1. Again talking about what you don't know.. I already posted you a detailed reply in about thread... Go learn your own class instead of trying to know others.
    Was anything I said untrue in any way?

  2. Funny thing just discovered: war can spell reflect AFTER karma, and reflect ALL dmg to me. So karma is even more useless vs war now.

  3. Was anything I said untrue in any way?
    Sadly, due to another bug, they can also use Death's Advance during this cc immunity so they can't be slowed either
    This is how this talent works... It's hand of freedom, its the only mobility a DK has.

    Luckily, I think only these 2 classes have positive bugs, as I have not come across other classes with any major positive bugs.
    Dks have 2 Positive bugs, I could count more positive bugs on EVERY class.
    Lets go through some..
    Paladin: Divine Purpose procing from everything tis not meant to, giving Ret paladins free Holy Power.
    Hunters: Pets immune to CC, and attack you regardless.
    Rogues: (ohh god so many lets just pick something major)... Shroud of Concealment.
    Monks: Zen Meditation not breaking on melee damage... So freaking abused.
    Shaman: Spirit Link totem's unlimited range..... Nuff said really.

    These are just a few, I could go on forever, but alas you only want to **** talk the most negatively bugged class with it's 2 positive bugs and forget the other 9 classes in this game.

  4. This

    This is how this talent works... It's hand of freedom, its the only mobility a DK has.

    Dks have 2 Positive bugs, I could count more positive bugs on EVERY class.
    Lets go through some..
    Paladin: Divine Purpose procing from everything tis not meant to, giving Ret paladins free Holy Power.
    Hunters: Pets immune to CC, and attack you regardless.
    Rogues: (ohh god so many lets just pick something major)... Shroud of Concealment.
    Monks: Zen Meditation not breaking on melee damage... So freaking abused.
    Shaman: Spirit Link totem's unlimited range..... Nuff said really.

    These are just a few, I could go on forever, but alas you only want to **** talk the most negatively bugged class with it's 2 positive bugs and forget the other 9 classes in this game.
    Rogues have positive bugs?
    Do tell please

  5. This

    This is how this talent works... It's hand of freedom, its the only mobility a DK has.

    Dks have 2 Positive bugs, I could count more positive bugs on EVERY class.
    Lets go through some..
    Paladin: Divine Purpose procing from everything tis not meant to, giving Ret paladins free Holy Power.
    Hunters: Pets immune to CC, and attack you regardless.
    Rogues: (ohh god so many lets just pick something major)... Shroud of Concealment.
    Monks: Zen Meditation not breaking on melee damage... So freaking abused.
    Shaman: Spirit Link totem's unlimited range..... Nuff said really.

    These are just a few, I could go on forever, but alas you only want to **** talk the most negatively bugged class with it's 2 positive bugs and forget the other 9 classes in this game.

    For someone who talk's so much about knowing their class, you should know you cannot use Death's Advance during Pillar of Frost with glyph.

    Hunter pets only attack during CC if the hunter uses kill command, this is a bug for BMs, and I never played BM, so I forgot about it :P

    Rogues shroud, yes, but rogues have more negative bugs than dk's so that's a factor too.

    Shamans and Ret pallies, sure, but neither of those bugs as severe as 20 sec cc immunity on a 1 min cd...

  6. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8181889234

    For someone who talk's so much about knowing their class, you should know you cannot use Death's Advance during Pillar of Frost with glyph.
    Nowhere did I say you could, nor was I even close to implying that. I know you cant do that, I played retail long enough /sigh....

    Complaining about Dks not being able to be CC'd forgets DKs have 5 trinkets/CC removals.
    AMS (CC/Magic Immunity)
    Desecrated Ground
    Death's Advance (Slow/root)

    We're not meant to be CC'd, this was Blizzard intention, even with Pillar fixed and those sad people exploiting it will still be able to be broken out of everything.

  7. I am actively playing as a rogue and I still don't follow what's the Shroud bug?

    Tho there are way more negative bugs than actual helpful bugs like most classes e.g

    Wrarior's spell reflect,second wind etc.

  8. Nowhere did I say you could, nor was I even close to implying that. I know you cant do that, I played retail long enough /sigh....
    Then you should read carefully what you quote before replying to it.

  9. Rogue positive bugs? lets see

    - Shroud - than its positive for the other classes than play with the rogue, not for the rogue himself

    - Honor among Thiefs - no icd on the combo points. Kinda useless crap, cause any skilled rogue can keep easly the finishers up without this. And spam 5points evisc? useless at lolten, doing 30-40k hits.

    So lets see some negatives, maybe?

    -Smoke Bomb - This is a troll bug. every can troll a rogue... why would u cast it if targets still can heal people than its inside the bomb, spirit link totem still works, palas can HOP people inside it... a long time and well knowed bug. Even takes Vanish efect out.

    -Mastery - Evisc damage scaling from mastery its WAY lower than we should hit... thats why few rogues reforging to critical.

    -Kidney shot - alot of times, u place a 5CP kidney... and nothings happen. no immune, no parry, noting. u lost cd and points for nothing.

    - Cloack of Shadows - Mages can pass CoS, Locks same. even got hited by a Chaos bolt inside the CoS.

    - Antecipacion - Totally broken. almost never keeps more than 1 CP...

    - Stealth - Every1 atm got a bug than can cancel stealth. From Bugged pierce howl, to the bugged Dispel, every can INSTANT remove stealth, even if the rogue its using Subterfurge talent. Few times even our team BL/TW or hunter pet buff break it.

    - Shadow Dance - Got breaked by Vanish, wasting a nice damage rotation.

    - Envenon - Not afected by mastery.... doing lots of lower damage.

    - Main gauche - Not procking, taking alot of DPS from Combat.

    - Venomous wonds - Not afected by mastery.

    So, what we get fixed? Useless glyphs, Shiv and few tooltips?

  10. Rogue positive bugs? lets see

    - Shroud - than its positive for the other classes than play with the rogue, not for the rogue himself

    - Honor among Thiefs - no icd on the combo points. Kinda useless crap, cause any skilled rogue can keep easly the finishers up without this. And spam 5points evisc? useless at lolten, doing 30-40k hits.

    So lets see some negatives, maybe?

    -Smoke Bomb - This is a troll bug. every can troll a rogue... why would u cast it if targets still can heal people than its inside the bomb, spirit link totem still works, palas can HOP people inside it... a long time and well knowed bug. Even takes Vanish efect out.

    -Mastery - Evisc damage scaling from mastery its WAY lower than we should hit... thats why few rogues reforging to critical.

    -Kidney shot - alot of times, u place a 5CP kidney... and nothings happen. no immune, no parry, noting. u lost cd and points for nothing.

    - Cloack of Shadows - Mages can pass CoS, Locks same. even got hited by a Chaos bolt inside the CoS.

    - Antecipacion - Totally broken. almost never keeps more than 1 CP...

    - Stealth - Every1 atm got a bug than can cancel stealth. From Bugged pierce howl, to the bugged Dispel, every can INSTANT remove stealth, even if the rogue its using Subterfurge talent. Few times even our team BL/TW or hunter pet buff break it.

    - Shadow Dance - Got breaked by Vanish, wasting a nice damage rotation.

    - Envenon - Not afected by mastery.... doing lots of lower damage.

    - Main gauche - Not procking, taking alot of DPS from Combat.

    - Venomous wonds - Not afected by mastery.

    So, what we get fixed? Useless glyphs, Shiv and few tooltips?
    Now you can feel the pain I have

    btw if you play a rogue add /cancelaura Subterfuge it should fix the vanish+shadowdance part.

  11. I got that for the normal vanish, but doesnt work when u gowith Nightstalker and try vanish in a midle of a shadowdance to boost Evisc damage

  12. but the most fun part for me is that here atm fire and arcane are better then Frost mage ....thats just so wrong its kiling me srsly ;)
    actually frost mages are pretty good at the moment, i'm mostly malevolent gear and i'm doing 70k+ ice lances on players with procs, if you orb + alter time you can still 100-0 people. arcane mages rely on casting arcane blast to do damage, so if you tunnel them they are basically useless. if you let them cast they still delete people like they did in previous 2 expansions. can't say how fire is doing since i've never played that spec, but it's probably good since most of the mages i see in bgs are fire.

  13. Sooo apparently if you 5combo kidney shot a shaman and if he has Spirit Walker's Grace it doesn't stun them....

  14. actually frost mages are pretty good at the moment, i'm mostly malevolent gear and i'm doing 70k+ ice lances on players with procs, if you orb + alter time you can still 100-0 people. arcane mages rely on casting arcane blast to do damage, so if you tunnel them they are basically useless. if you let them cast they still delete people like they did in previous 2 expansions. can't say how fire is doing since i've never played that spec, but it's probably good since most of the mages i see in bgs are fire.
    How can you do 70k icelance? i am full tyrannical full enchanted and socket with trinket on use and weapon enchant proc if i am lucky i crit 60k

  15. Warrior and hunters all the way. Just punch your keyboard and you get 2k rating. :D
    Said a warlock,ur so full of ****...

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