Hello everyone.
Before i quit WoW, i think i should share my small experience about addons and interface. As I can remember yourself, I always was in love with UI and creative solutions. There are few addons and client features.I hope you like it. All add-ons you solutions you can find there.



Addon which telling you how many time has left to cooldown. Flexible settings, location is changeable.


Another cooldown management addon. Learned about it through Dance movies. It's customizable too, don't worry, cooldown time is showable and cooldown timers shadows too.

Shadows on

Shadows off


Customizable error area, this addon also prohibits error spam.



Lightweight, blizz-like style arena addon. I like it.


Number one battleground timer addon for 3.3.5 client.

My UI in battle

Few words about my UI. I love minimalism, it makes gameplay better. My UI developed by mine and AJ scripts. I was impressed by DrainerX UI and completed it, and i really appreciate this UI. This scripts with comments you can find in Addons (PlayerFrameTweaks/ActionBarTweaks/ClassIcons/CombatIndicator) folder below.
And with focus and sArena.

MoP-style PoWA Textures

Some time ago i've found that textures and reverted it. It looks great, i love it.

Rreznik Login Screen

You can save your password now, you don't have to enter it every time. Just press enter. I've deleted many things from his login screen because of his translation. It looks great now.
Requires different wow.exe without md5 or cache protection (honestly, i don't know, file is attached).

WotLK Style Buttons

Log in HONG and fizzle cast sound
I've removed sound when you log in and fizzle sound when your spells on cooldown and you're trying to cast. It's pretty annoying.

Delete Item on Mouseover Macro
/run local slotButton, bag, slot = GetMouseFocus() bag, slot = slotButton:GetParent():GetID(), slotButton:GetID() if bag and slot then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot) DeleteCursorItem() end
PhanxChat, RangeDisplay, NugEnergy -- these addons are well-known i guess.

I thought there will be more, but that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed. Good luck and thanks for reading.