1. No wonder boxers are hated

    Leveling my 5 dudus, killed again and again by a 5 horde huntards team called "Thelnor"....... from behind and they are 80, can't he/her just wait for people to 80?

  2. It's just ganking, it's all part of the game ;) But in all seriousness, it sucks when it happens to you but when it's the other way around, it's not too bad.

  3. It's just ganking, it's all part of the game ;) But in all seriousness, it sucks when it happens to you but when it's the other way around, it's not too bad.
    It's called nab gaming. Idk why ppl on 80 come and killing low's. It doesnt give honor and make other ppl rage, cuz of interupted leveling.
    When i walking in low lvl areas i sometimes help other faction instead to killing them.
    Hate this scrubs that dont know what is respect.
    If you want to kill players go to bg, ******S!

  4. Idk why ppl on 80 come and killing low's. It doesnt give honor and make other ppl rage
    You just answered your own question. That is the primary reason to gank.

  5. It was Multi-Boxer vs. Multi-Boxer, in Northrend (Zul'Drak), granted honor, from the front, twice. Please don't try to make it seem like it was a 20+ level difference or that you got camped or something.

    Wanted to see how the group reacted. Druids immediately cast Starfall (of course), no heals, no evasive maneuvers, stayed piled up, etc. and the Druids were left alone after the second time due to it.

    Later when killing mobs in a different part of the zone, guess who shows up leading off with Starfall actually from behind? Level 80 didn't seem to matter then. The OP is trying to make an argument here in part about being attacked from behind (even though they weren't) but then proceeds to do the same thing and is also trying to make it seem like that somehow isolated MB'er vs MB'er encounters somehow fuels the dislike of MB'ers and or that MB'ers pretty much go around attacking honor less targets.

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    Battlegrounds can and do produce similar matchups.

  6. Leveling my 5 dudus, killed again and again by a 5 horde huntards team called "Thelnor"....... from behind and they are 80, can't he/her just wait for people to 80?
    I think you'll find little sympathy here, Not to laugh at you, but i had to smile in amusement in the fact that you've most likely ganked a player in the past, please don't say you haven't... This server is an extension of the game, where as, it's all part of the game as the other posters have pointed out. If your going to get upset about it, not only is multi-boxing prolly not for you, this game, in my opinion isn't either.

    Now if the above statement makes you mad and you feel the need to respond. Answer this question first. What did you start multi-boxing for anyways? Was it BG's. or maybe PvE? If so your upset about the very fact of an advantage that you will one day have.

    Multi-boxing isn't about killing loads of players, ganked or otherwise. It's about challenging yourself. Pairing up against the pve aspect of the game or 1-X players to see if you play your team better than they play their toon(s). If I can do this, or I can do that sort of thing. At least it is for me.

    I would go so far as to say if you can't take getting beat, your going to hate multi boxing, cause you have a target on your back whether you like it or not, because you are a boxer, people love a challenge, and you represent a good one. Understand that, and you'll be much less likely to get upset at all.
    Edited: January 21, 2016

  7. Suppose everyone has their own playing style, but I do enjoy Malinos' and wish mulitboxers get more positive feedback from other players.
    Anyway, my druids are level 74 now, time to continue leveling and finish some professions, and get the key to enter Karazhan, so many things to do and so much fun.

  8. The positive feedback will come when players let go of their "unjustified" negative mindsets in regard to Multi-Boxers (unlikely to happen for the masses?).

    Can a player(s) simply prefer not to Multi-Box themselves, of course and that is completely fine and doesn't really call for a need to be "justified" but often it's more along the lines of "I don't/can't Multi-Box therefore I don't want anyone else to be able to do it", "I don't think it's fair", "it shouldn't be allowed" and or something similar, those type of statements (where an argument to not allow Multi-Boxing is being presented) "need" to be justified with some type of legitimate/reasonable argument but are often not and or backed by some seemingly heinous/made up reasoning.

  9. Some of us get plenty of positive feedback :D

    In fact people now assume that any other multiboxers in my guild have the same playstyle as me and go out of their way to help them. Be friendly and people will treat you the same as any other player.

  10. Most people QQing about MBers think it is simply a matter of starting 5 toons and PWN.
    They fail to realise how much setting-up, training, skill and a correct state of mind it takes to pull off a succesful team in the first place.
    (that's for 5 MB, not 40 MB'ed DKs.)

  11. Be friendly and people will treat you the same as any other player.
    Unfortunately I don't agree.

    The sheer number of unprovoked negative whispers and or /say's, etc. opposes that highly, though it may be different for some, just not for the majority of Multi-Boxers.

    Nor do I see that MB'ers should HAVE to go out of their way just to receive "approval", positive feedback and or be left alone by others I doubt if the players in question were NOT helped the attitude would be the same.

    In other words if it takes incentive for players to be "nice" or accept MB'ers it's not really worth it for the most part because if the incentive is removed, not maintained at an acceptable level or not initially provided the attitude will more than likely reflect it, not in all cases but I have repeatedly seen it happen that way.

    Most people QQing about MBers think it is simply a matter of starting 5 toons and PWN.
    They fail to realise how much setting-up, training, skill and a correct state of mind it takes to pull off a succesful team in the first place.
    Not only that for some reason people think MB'ers pull off unimaginable feats that a group of the same size can't mimick or contest.

  12. It depends entirely on what you do.

    If you are a 20 or 30 boxer who spends their days sitting inside the boss room of IoC/AV or camping outside ICC then of course people will dislike you. In such cases it doesn't matter if it is a multiboxer or a guild.

    If you aren't willing to be nice to other players then they have no reason to be nice to you either. This is how the community works.

  13. If you aren't willing to be nice to other players then they have no reason to be nice to you either. This is how the community works.
    I'm inclined to agree with you, However

    In other words if it takes incentive for players to be "nice" or accept MB'ers it's not really worth it for the most part because if the incentive is removed, not maintained at an acceptable level or not initially provided the attitude will more than likely reflect it, not in all cases but I have repeatedly seen it happen that way.
    I can see his point as well, the fact remains that we'll always be greeted with hostility until they get to know us, that is, if they are our faction.

  14. It depends entirely on what you do.

    If you are a 20 or 30 boxer who spends their days sitting inside the boss room of IoC/AV or camping outside ICC then of course people will dislike you. In such cases it doesn't matter if it is a multiboxer or a guild.
    Well, but thats PvP and only our opponenets hate us for it.
    Killing the opponent faction and beeing nice to them at the same time doesnt really work.
    Every PvP guild and all "famous" pvpers are hated by their opponents.
    But, isnt this just part of the game? The conflict between alliance and horde. If everybody gets along with each other it would be kinda boring...

  15. Leveling my 5 dudus, killed again and again by a 5 horde huntards team called "Thelnor"....... from behind and they are 80, can't he/her just wait for people to 80?
    It's called nab gaming. Idk why ppl on 80 come and killing low's. It doesnt give honor and make other ppl rage, cuz of interupted leveling.
    When i walking in low lvl areas i sometimes help other faction instead to killing them.
    Hate this scrubs that dont know what is respect.
    If you want to kill players go to bg, ******S!
    For the same reason as that you are leveling that multiboxer, you want an unfair advantage because you get rekt 1v1.

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