1. differance between sargeras and frostwolf?

    client is only 50% downloaded and im not sure which one is the 20x server and which one is a 12x/instant 90 server. i just need a quick answer

  2. client is only 50% downloaded and im not sure which one is the 20x server and which one is a 12x/instant 90 server. i just need a quick answer
    Rates are 7x on both MoP realms, and there is not instant 90 atm. Content is the same too, the only thing is that Sargeras is less populated than Frostwolf

  3. Go play on Sargeras if you want a better community and much better pvp and pve.

  4. Everything is the same except Sargeras is dead zone compared to Frostwolf.More than double the numbers of players at any time of the day.Also much stronger PvP / PvE guilds reside on Frostwolf.

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