1. Discipline or holy priest in PVE

    Dear all fan priest,
    I just back from MOP and come back to play wotlk now. I plan to play healer so I narrow down to priest. As you saw the tittle, I can't decide which one is better. Please leave your comment, which one you think better and reason. People said discipline make a great combo with holy paladin in raid. I forgot mention, it is for pve concept only both raid and 5-man dungeon run.
    Thank you guy,

  2. Both are great, depends on situation...

    Discipline is about absorbs.. spamming shields all the time (you cast other spells ussually only when you have all party/raid shielded - there are exceptions like saving someones butt with penance, but..) Insane mana regen from rapture (once you get some intel).

    Holy is the most versatile healer (you have a lot of freedom in talents as well.. I use talents to increase its versatility). Decent single target healing, good hot, a lot of utility, best burst aoe healing (unfortunatelly not needed much in icc). Mana hungry.

    in 25mans:
    Disc does 0 overheal -> he should always top of healing + absorb meter.
    Holy picks up where others underperform -> its ussually towards bottom of the healing meter.

    That being said meters are not a good way to check healers performance - keeping raid alive often means loosing numbers on healing meter. (f.e. renew heals for about 18k hp, flash heal 10k, but when someone drops low, that instant flash heal will be more likely to save him; same goes for bubble - holy uses it to grant movement speed to some slacker to help him prevent taking more dmg)

    10 mans:
    Disc works indeed very well with hpal. Rsham is another good partner.
    Holy works very well with rsham and hpal is also good partner.
    Pairing priest with druid/having 2 priest is not that good idea.

    Holy is in my experience better at solohealing.

    Disc is not a good choice for RS - you dont have enough ppl to shield and end up using ineffective heals once raid splits for 3rd phase.

    I find holy easier to start with in dungeons.

  3. I've gone for Disc. All ICC raids will be happy to have a Disc in them but a Holy is somewhat interchangeable with the other healers.

    Great for ICC but kinda sucky for RS10 as mentioned above.

    Honestly it's worth getting gear for both. In 10man ICC I'd definitely take Disc. Very easy to solo heal most fights there and people will be thankful for bubbles @ LK.

    For 25man most raids seem to aim for a full compliment of healers i.e. one resto shammy, one resto druid, one holy pally, one disc priest and one holy priest. Sometimes people only have gear for Holy or only for Disc and not both. Generally speaking you'll be asked to go whichever spec they don't already have in the raid. Nobody wants two holy or two disc in the same raid.

  4. COuld you post me some discipline priest talents for naxx 10 man and 5 man hc's?

  5. You can check my armory (Elu @Ragnaros). You can move talents in holy tree (spell warding and desperate prayer if you like those) That necro though..
    Edited: January 29, 2016

  6. Holy ****, lol :D That's a pre-Moltdown necro!

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