1. Multiboxing problem?

    Hello Everyone,
    I recently started "multiboxing" (dual boxing) on 2 clients (2 shamans or 2 hunters).
    Using the standard sample for 2 wow's on 1 client.
    I'm using a laptop and about a week ago, I was using 2 clients simultaneously to "level" through the first starting area of the night elves. Each time the target would take a hit from an attack, my screen would freeze for a millisecond. (but it worked)
    (I was using windows 8 at the time)

    So i bought a new ssd, and tried doing it again. (installed windows 8.1 on the ssd)
    But now whenever I try it, my 2nd client attacks, and my main guy does not get the commands.
    So when I press 1 (Lightning bolt macro), only my 2nd character attacks him, and I need to click manually on my first guy to attack.

    Could it be that Windows 8 and 8.1 make a difference? Or am I doing something wrong ?

    I am using Hotkeynet for 2 clients

    Please help


  2. use macro /assist or follow guides for better experience. Or just buy ISboxer, also, u can get cracked version here.

  3. Thanks Woloss
    I downloaded isboxer and I am very pleased with the outcome.
    I thought the tutorial would be too difficult but it worked :)

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