1. Hi all, have a couple of questions ^^

    Hi all, i've played on Molten a few years ago. Now i'd like to return but i'd like to know something:

    is there a Blizzlike server with 1x rate of xp and stuff like that? From some infos seems to be Lordaeron (i read it in a realm changelog topic) but actually i can't find that realm...

  2. Lordaeron is now non-existent since moltdown happened. All realms are currently x7

  3. There's basically been a "renew" where everyone's characters were lost and molten brought everything back together. You can read a bit about the aftermath at the Renew FAQ

    Your WotLK choices are now either Ragnaros and Deathwing, and both are x7. Who knows if or when they'll even bring Lordaeron back, and even if so it may not be x1.

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