1. Monk Macros! share it!

    My Mistweaver Mouseover Macros
    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Zen Sphere

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Soothing Mist

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Surging Mist

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Life Cocoon

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Detox

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist

    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Expel Harm

    My Brew Master Shuffle uptime 90% Macro (Using Macro Toolkit Addons)

    Single Target
    /run sfx=GetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX");
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    /castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,Blackout Kick
    /castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,Chi Wave
    /castsequence reset=0.4 0,Guard
    /castsequence reset=6 Keg Smash, Jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm
    /castsequence reset=6 Blackout Kick,Blackout Kick,Purifying Brew
    /cast [combat]Dampen Harm
    /cast Elusive Brew
    /cast Chi Brew
    /use 13
    /use 14
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    /run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX",sfx);

    Aoe/Multi Target Tanking

    /run sfx=GetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX");
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    #showtooltip Breath of Fire
    /castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,!Guard
    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Chi Wave
    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Rushing Jade wind
    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,Jab
    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,!Keg Smash
    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=8 Breath of Fire,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Breath of Fire,Blackout Kick,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,Breath of Fire,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Purifying Brew,Elusive Brew
    /use !Touch of Death
    /use Elusive Brew
    /use Chi Brew
    /use [combat]14
    /use [combat]13
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    /run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX",sfx);

    Provoke Macro

    #showtooltip Provoke
    /cast [@focustarget,exists,harm,target=focustarget] [@focus,exists,harm,target=focus] [@mouseovertarget,exists,harm,target=mouseovertarge t] [@mouseover,exists,harm,target=mouseover] [@target,exists,harm] Provoke

    Clash Macro

    #showtooltip Clash
    /cast [@focustarget,exists,harm,target=focustarget] [@focus,exists,harm,target=focus] [@mouseovertarget,exists,harm,target=mouseovertarge t] [@mouseover,exists,harm,target=mouseover] [@target,exists,harm] Clash

    Edit the macros to your preferences :D

  2. May 25, 2015  
    /cast [nomod, @target] Paralysis <------- this macro can be used for Spear hand strike
    /cast [mod:shift, @focus] Paralysis

    /cast [nomod, @target] Chi Brew
    /cast [mod:shift, @focus] Some other brew on short cd

    /castsequence reset =15 Tiger palm, Chi wave

    I can post more macros if this post will get more attention as it should :)
    Cheers Warmane Monks

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