1. May 5, 2015  

    confused at what now

    so I just reached level 90 on my mage, and kinda hit a wall.
    The last retail version I played was WotLK, I played to end game, but stopped when cata came out.
    I'm having trouble figuring out where to begin with getting geared up for heroics and raids. and I'm at even more of a loss figuring out what even works.
    Its not hard for me figuring out the mechanics of my character, dungeons, raids, and bosses. What I'm having trouble and getting overwhelmed with is what quartermasters work, which dailies for them work, and which ones can I actually do without a group, on my own if my buddy isn't on. I spent the last two hours or so trying dailies, half didn't work(at least I don't think they worked), a bunch seemed close to impossible for me to do alone with the gear I have, and a lot of the rest called for 2 or more players.
    I'm just a little overwhelmed, 7x shot me to 90 but it went so fast I wasn't able to learn all the content that I've never experienced. It was easier when I played retail because it slowly introduced me to certain things as I went allowing me to learn the content. This kinda feels like a huge bag was dropped in my lap and I don't know what pieces to grab out of the bag.
    any help, guidance, or advice would be highly appreciated.
    Thank you

  2. May 5, 2015  
    and the other thing, back in the day I used tankspot.com to learn the mechanics. I've noticed this is no longer around which really disappoints me. is there anything that can compare today? I'm really looking at getting into competitive raiding and want to start my researching now. any suggested websites or youtube channels?

  3. May 5, 2015  
    It's pretty much all about getting gold, and getting it lots. Make your HS at shrine so you have easier way to move around quickly, get pandaria flying as soon as possible (throw all gold into that if needed). After you have flying you can start dailies. In Townlong Steppes there's Shado-Pan dailies, in Vale (shrine zone) there's Golden Lotus to the south and south-west. Think these will give you nice money for start and they are easy and fast to do (some don't work).
    Alternatively, you can go Icecrown in Northrend and do dailies at Argent Tournament (very easy and fast 2k gold).
    After you have some gold you may consider buying Contender set from AH. (Before going questing and dailies, make sure you get the 412 iLvl green gear in Townlong Steppes). That and contender should be good enough to get you started for rdfs and some BGs. BGs are good way to get geat gear easily (496 tyrannical for honor points, 522 for conquest points).
    As for raiding, when you get like 470 iLvl average gear you may wanna join some ToES, it's easy, fast and can get you some okayish (496ilvl) items. MSV seems to me as waste of time, but if you want you may wanna try that also (but it's buggy, takes long and loot isn't geat). When you hit around 500 gear ilvl, then you're ready for ToT 25, maybe 10 if you're not terrible.

  4. May 5, 2015  
    and the other thing, back in the day I used tankspot.com to learn the mechanics. I've noticed this is no longer around which really disappoints me. is there anything that can compare today? I'm really looking at getting into competitive raiding and want to start my researching now. any suggested websites or youtube channels?
    I find that the Fatboss guides are really good, you should check them out from their raids.

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