1. May 26, 2015  

    Talah'dorei / The Dark Elves / Druchii (Blood Elves Exclusive RP Guild)

    Silvermoon lies in ruins, the elves scattered and their power broken.... where the once mighty race dominated the world , now it grovels at the feet of the lesser races , hated and reviled by both the Alliance and their Horde allies , knowing no peace .....facing an uncertain future....

    Now a new power rises. Known only as the Talah'Dorei , or Dark Elves in the common tongue, they gather in secret places beneath the earth to plot destruction of mankind. Unified by a belief in Elven supremacy , they strive to join all the Elves of Azeroth under a single banner, all oweing loyalty to the Master Race , the Highborne of Quel'Thelas. Whereas the traitors of Teldrassil renounce their heritage, and they weaklings of Silvermoon bow before foreign masters, the Talah'Dorei serve only themselves.

  2. May 26, 2015  

    Seemingly abbandoned by the Old Gods, The Talah'Dorei have renounced their old allegiances and now serve but two masters ; themselves, and the Bloody Handed God of Murder, Khaine. Long forgotten amidst the peace loving elves of Azeroth, the Telah'Dorei serve his murderous rage, and in return rely upon his energies in place of the Sunwell , which they curse as their downfall.

  3. May 26, 2015  

    History of the Talah'Dorei

    Shortly after the Fall of Silvermoon , the first Talah'dorei were born. Recognizing that the humans and their allies were directly responsible for the destruction of the Sunwell , a small band of elves set out to make a new home, swearing revenge against the hairless monkeys.. Refusing to obey the eldars of Quel'Thelas , whom they rightfully viewed as traitors , they settled in Undercity, where the would be free to start again. Taking the title of Talah'Dorei , Death Elves, they promised to start anew ,their vision: A world ruled by the Elves, as it was in days past.

    The Dark Elves are black-hearted monsters , without remorse or empathy. They rely on captured slaves to feed their mana addiction , and take great delight in the suffering of other races. They universally hate the Sun , and dwell in dark places, where their wicked sorceries and vile works can be carried out far from the watchful eye of other races. Amongest the Dark Elves, there are no concepts such as 'honor' or 'loyalty' , only strength and slaves being viable commodities.

    The Talah'Dorei hold all other races in scorn. Though they serve under the banner of the Horde, they consider their allies little less than sentient beasts , to be enslaved and used as they see fit.


  4. May 26, 2015  
    This RP Guild is still under construction. Anyone willing to join , post here with a character sheet. This will be a PVP / PVE guild , with a focus on fielding ALL BloodElf BG groups and raiding Allied cities.

  5. May 26, 2015  
    Full Name: Malekieth Kali Mord
    Occupation: Prisoner , Preacher
    Age: 327
    Gender: Male
    Race: Talah'Dorei
    Class: Shadow Priest
    Residence: None....vagabond
    Guild: Dark Elves / Druchii

    Appearance: Withered in ways an elf should never be , oweing to his long captivity and mana starvation....
    Personality: Silent , morbid , slightly insane from a life time spent in isolation. To his friends , magnanimous without equal , but to his foes , without mercy.
    Background: Once a priest who wielded the Holy Light of the Sunwell , his militant views and ideology of Elvish Supremacy lead him to be branded a traitor and heretic by the rulers of Silvermoon. Confined to an isolation cell and denied access to the Sunwell , he stagnated in darkness for decades til the Scourge attacked Silvermoon. During the chaos he escaped his prison and found himself cast adrift in a world which he knew not. In an age where Elves are the minority , he found a a willing audience to his message of Hate and Destruction. Bound by an irreconcilable enmity towards his own people, whom he views as weak and uninspired, and a general disdain towards all life on Azeroth , he founded the Talah'Dorei. Though seemingly weak from a century of imprisonment , he stalks the shadows of the world , gathering power and allies , waiting for that moment when the Elves shall rise again , and enslave all of Azeroth.
    Notable Friends: Enslaver (his loyal servant and former cell mate ; a cowardly psychopathic hunter who renounced a name in favor of a title; he serves Malekieth and Khaine, capturing unwitting elves to serve as a sacrifice on the alters of blood.
    Davros (a blood elf risen from the dead , whose hatred towards all living things finds place within the Talah'Dorei's ranks)
    Opposite Faction Attitude: Death to those who will not kneel.
    Loves: Power , history , mind altering substances.
    Hates: weakness, servitude, and love.
    Motivation: Visionary Killer.
    Quotes: We are the sun which eclipses the light of stars.
    You say we are random and capricious, we say you are vulgar and *****ic. Some of you call us your enemies. All races are our enemy in time. Some of you call us your allies. You are not allies, any more than a butcher’s knife is his ally. You are tools, nothing more. To be used and expended to protect our race, that is your fate.
    Your kind think you are so magnificent, yet even now, at the nadir of our power, we can manipulate you, turn you to our ends, as easily as you might pull a trigger and fire a gun. Our time will come again, Khaine has promised us. Once more you upstart Mon-keigh [subject spits] shall kneel before our power! This time we will not be so lenient! We will exterminate you, every world, every vessel, every one of you! Khaine has seen the stars stained red with your blood, and it pleases him!
    You think us weak, but we will be your doom, children of Azeroth.

  6. May 28, 2015  
    I love Elves, and a majority of my Horde characters are Blood Elves, but I really don't think such a specific theme is such a great idea for the servers extremely low RP population. Its hard enough gathering RPers together as is without restrictions. Glad to see somebody doing something though, maybe I'll see you in game!

  7. May 28, 2015  
    Well it can be bad, but I think it has its good sides. All RP guilds I've RPed in so far on Molten(and that's not really many of them) were 'no restriction' types of guilds. However, since their concept is so vague, you get like 10 random characters which could barely establish connections between them without going a tiny bit against their personality or logic of the story(making story cheesier for the sake of RP). Also, since you get such a diversive group, it is hard to establish a plot line and the group usually relies on one or two people(group leader(s)), so once group leader gets an irl issue or some brief reason not to be that active, the group falls down and we're again at the same stage as we were at start.
    Tbh, even if group is as restricted as this one, there is still large variety of possible character concepts that can fit in this story. Restrictions only make it easier for plot to be developed, and can even make it easier to make the character for people who aren't that used to RP, so they have harder time developing the idea of a character.

  8. May 28, 2015  
    I've seen horde RP die and come back so many times it's disheartening. One thing I've always noted for most horde guilds is its difficult to get a story line the entire guild can get behind, orcs, tauren, trolls, blood elves, goblins, forsaken and pandarian. It's a little easier alliance side, especially with humans, wargen and dwarfs; and a lesser extent draenei, night elves and gnomes. The races fit a bit better alliance side.

    Look at <stormwind army> they'll take races but they all have one thing in common, they're a military/army unit.

    On that note, some of the more long lasting horde guilds I've seen do exactly this: place restrictions or have a overall common directive. It at least bonds the few characters together rather than none of them having a reason to interact.

    I was levelling an orc with very similar goals to this group, to serve as an antagonist to the alliance side rpers, but I will certainly look at rerolling a blood elf if it means there's a chance of finding other rpers to work/role play with.

  9. May 29, 2015  

  10. May 30, 2015  
    So basically Nazi Blood Elves.
    I believe they prefer to call themselves Republicans....

    But really, in the face of such an onslaught and the loss of so much of their society and self perceived prestige I wouldn't find this kind of reaction out of the ordinary.

  11. Bumpity bump bump, is this guild still alive? I couldn't find what server it was/is on; can someone point it out if I missed it?

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