1. <Questionable> recruiting for PvE


    Originally we were going to call ourselves, "Questionably Curious", but the fear of being viewed as pedophiles thwarted the brilliant idea, and our original thinking allowed us to come up with a completely [s]new and unrelated[/s] name!

    New Alliance guild <Questionable> is recruiting loyal, smart and english speaking members to help in our raids. We would like to value our members for progression commitment and initiative. We seek to have members who will be able to listen to the raid leader's calls, and both learn and understand boss encounters to an extent in which they themselves can lead the raid.

    We use Raid Call for guild raids, and we currently haven't implemented any loot systems (we're rather new!).

    We will be raiding everyday at 18ST. Currently recruiting everyone who is ICC 10n ready (4.5k+).

    Current Progress

    ICC 10n: 12/12
    ICC 10hc: 10/12
    ICC 25n: 8/12
    ICC 25hc: 0/12
    RS 10n: 4/4
    RS 10hc: 4/4
    RS 25 n: 0/4
    RS 25hc: 0/4
    ToC 10: 5/5
    ToC 10hc: 5/5
    ToC 25: 0/5
    ToC 25hc: 0/5

    Currently we haven't had a guild raid. The guild master and officers have all completed and are experienced with the above raids already of course.


    How can Questionable help me level up my play?
    A: We offer class assistance and advise. Our experienced, and somewhat alt-hording leaders and officers are the best of their respective classes. We've got knowledge and solid understandings of every class and spec in the game, as well as experience playing them in raiding situations (even silly things like Spell power survival hunters...yes we've been there).

    I'm already an experienced player. I just want to gear up and have fun in raids!
    A: Great. We're always welcoming role models and experienced/geared players. The guild is still very new and we have few members. What we can give you as an experienced player, is a guarantee of raid satisfaction. There's no drama here, just sign on, get an invite to the raid, kill the boss, have some fun. We intend to gear our lower geared members fast. Show the will to gear up, be active, and we'll gear you up fast-fast.

    I only raid casually. Will you still take me?
    A: Well we raid for about 2 hours every day. Granted that you will probably be saved for some of the repeat instances, that will probably only be about 5/7 days which you'll have a unique raid to join. If that's too hard for your schedule, then this guild is probably not for you. We are looking to progress at a steady pace, and need our members to be active.

    I'm lower geared than 4.5k, but I've played WoW in a raid setting before in the past. Can I come along?
    A: Yeah. Shoot us a whisper ingame.

    I haven't seen your advertisements on global. How are you guys recruiting?
    A: For the most part, you'll see an Ad from us on global once every 25-40 or so mins on global. For now most of our recruiting is done in pugs. We join raids, and if we see anyone who seems good/nice and are guildless we extend an offer to them. I personally feel like that's the best way to get quality members. We also currently have a website in the works. Not a ****vr website, a proper website :)

    How do I get invited?
    A: Reach an officer! "Shadownun", "Vhi", "Kait", "Tito", "Chanyzwarr", "Damaskin". Or Anyone in the guild in general "/who Questionable"

    I have a question which isn't in your Q/A section
    A: Ask away.

    Final Notes

    We know leading a guild can be tough work, the drama, the relationships and the occasional negative players are all part of the job. Even so we are prepared to take on the task, and hopefully make a guild that's worth being a part of. Maybe by the end of your experience with us, you'll see raiding in a new light. Our goal is always to be the best, kill bosses, get loot and have fun. Join us, for a good time (though I guess that's questionable :P ).
    Edited: July 31, 2015 Reason: Faction details Alliance added.

  2. :( need more horde recruiment xD

  3. 5,2k DK tank here, I'll try to contact you in game. Russkova my char name :D

  4. 5,2k DK tank here, I'll try to contact you in game. Russkova my char name :D
    Feel free.

  5. Finished 10n yay

    Small update for a small guild. We killed LK in 10n. Sloppy kills are kills still!

    Next time it will be much cleaner, and hopefully most will get more gear. Thanks for Nemo's friend Jiji from Proud for his help. Shout out to those guys :)

  6. Today marks our first defeat of Hallion! (Though it was in 10n :P).

    We're looking to start heroic progression soon too, now that we've cleared the respective normal versions. We're also slowly gathering members for 25 man raids. Really in need of good tanks, Holy paladin healers, and pretty much every dps class which isn't a warrior. We've got at least 12 fury warriors just chilling right before raid times :P

  7. This needs an update. We've progressed quite a bit since the thread started. We have good leaders in our guild, website should be up shortly.

    If you're interested in joining contact us in game.

  8. Hello everyone. I have some progression updates since the last time I posted here.

    ICC 10hc: @Sindy
    ICC 25n (5-6 pugs): @ BQL
    RS 10hc: Cleared!

    We're recruiting MM Hunters, Protection Paladins, Demo locks, Boomkins and Mages for 25 man progression. Recently we've been being more strict on members who are slacking or playing poorly, kicking lost causes and educating those with potential.

    Raid times are 18 server time everyday with Friday + weekends for heroic progression. /who Questionable and /w someone for a potential invite. We've up'd the requirements to join as well.

    4.5k gs -> 5k minimum
    No more warriors and rogues either. :)

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