1. Guards on ragnores

    Why are guards hitting 15k-20k this is nonsense!

    i thought this is a blizzlike server no one cant even world pvp anymore because the gaurds are doing catalysm damagae , what is happening to this server?

    No one likes it and every one wants it to change to please help me and others.

    Please change guards they shouldent hit 20k its stupid and weird why would u do this?

    If people from retail come here to play blizzlike 3.3.5 and they see a gaurd hitting them for 20k what would they think is this a fun server or something?

    please fix.

  2. I looked at the first few pages of the WotLK bug tracker, I didn't find a bug report about this issue. If it's so annoying and gamebreaking as you say, then why it hasn't been reported?
    I'll forward this to the QA, but you cannot point fingers when we didn't even receive a report about the issue.

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