1. I had almost 4000 coins, where are they?!


    ~100 days ago, i logged on molten-wow and i had approximately 4000 coins separated on 2 accounts. I decided to take a break until now.

    yesterday i try to connect on Wow-Molten and this link doesn't exist anymore... it's now called Warmane! My account is still activ but i now have just 9 coins lol.

    Where are my coins? Did i missed something? Is there a recovery coins somewhere , what do i have to do?

    Thank's in advance!

  2. All refunded coins had an expiration date set to 50 days after the account was recovered, fact that was informed, advertised and mentioned all over the Forums, the main Molten page, and even in a counter that stated how long you had until your coins were reset.

  3. Ah ok but i didn't knew that! I was not activ at all the last 100 days!
    is there a way to fix my problem? i'm a huge contributor as you might know

  4. You will have to discuss that with a Support ticket, but do consider there might be no "fix", since warnings and information about it was plentiful for everyone to see and all over the place, as I already said.

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