1. Thoughts on MOP bugfix progression?

    And I quote
    "Development report from the past 3 months is comprised of a total of 1421 bug fixes, including 373 class fixes, 43 new boss releases across 3 expansions and major Mists of Pandaria feature releases such as Pet Battles, Raid Finder, movement system update etc. During those 92 days primary development focus was set on Mists of Pandaria.

    - Wrath of the Lich King had 106 bug fixes, including 57 class fixes.

    - Cataclysm had 153 bug fixes, including 18 new dungeon boss releases.

    - Mists of Pandaria had 1,162 bug fixes, including 273 class fixes, 12 new dungeon and 13 new raid boss releases.".

    I was just wondering what the community's thoughts on this are. Beforehand I want to say that I don't intend this to be a troll or a rage post, but I just want to bring up some discussion. I'm mostly looking at the mop servers here because they are horrendous regarding working content. To be fair, important content is semi working. Working pvp, and ToT 10/25 M. But thats it. Most of mists raids are not even open. Don't even get started on any lower-level content, because that isn't even open yet. And I don't understand why Isle of Thunder quests were wiped, like literally every npc was removed, because it was bugged.

    "1,162 bug fixes, including 273 class fixes, 12 new dungeon and 13 new raid boss releases". Ok, sounds impressive, but is it? Most of these bug fixes are quest fixes, and on top of that around 50% of active quests are still broken. Look at all the broken daily quests. They do a good job of working on the class fixes though. Anyone remember warrior second wind bug?

    I just think that in NINETY TWO DAYS of active scripting and fixing of the server, we would have...you know...a decent server. I understand that low level quests are not important, and that you are focusing on the endgame. But if that's the case, how is 50% of the endgame still broken. Missing dungeons, broken daily quests, bugged bosses.

    Again, my opinion, and this is probably going to get closed but, With almost 20,000 players online at peak times, at this rate for the mop server to be in a decent state it will takes several years.

    And how do the wotlk servers still have large scale bugs. Those servers have been out for god knows how long.

  2. I think all focus should be 100% on WOTLK.

  3. You know I would have agreed with you since WOTLK was the reason why molten got so popular. But to be honest, those servers have been out for AGES and in my opinion, should be near perfect, and they are not. Just check the bug tracker, lots of class/pve/pvp bugs still, after how many years.

  4. I think our developers have been doing an excellent job. 2013 and 2014, most of the developers didn't really do a whole lot. The only ones worth keeping are still here; Green for example. He's done a fine job. I'd personally say that all of our current developers deserve commendation and a pat on the back. They've done more fixes than the past developers did in 2 years. Because of that dark time period, we fell behind on development. But I can't understand why you would want to complain about the last 3 month's worth of development. What is wrong with it, exactly?
    The Cata and MoP change-logs will show up in the coming weeks. The Wrath change-log is already public if you're any interested in that (which it included some pretty huge fixes).

  5. I just think that in NINETY TWO DAYS of active scripting and fixing of the server, we would have...you know...a decent server.

    Cata took more than 2 years to fix only endgame dungeons&raids.

  6. The Cata and MoP change-logs will show up in the coming weeks. The Wrath change-log is already public if you're any interested in that (which it included some pretty huge fixes).
    It says on the main page changelog for MoP will be posted shortly. Shortly = coming weeks? :D

  7. It says on the main page changelog for MoP will be posted shortly. Shortly = coming weeks? :D
    Well, yeah, because I'm speaking of the Cata one too. Both should be active before the month ends.

  8. I think our developers have been doing an excellent job. 2013 and 2014, most of the developers didn't really do a whole lot. The only ones worth keeping are still here; Green for example. He's done a fine job. I'd personally say that all of our current developers deserve commendation and a pat on the back. They've done more fixes than the past developers did in 2 years. Because of that dark time period, we fell behind on development. But I can't understand why you would want to complain about the last 3 month's worth of development. What is wrong with it, exactly?

    The Cata and MoP change-logs will show up in the coming weeks. The Wrath change-log is already public if you're any interested in that (which it included some pretty huge fixes).
    Coming weeks????? This is not ''shortly''. Whats the problem with that changelog...

  9. Coming weeks????? This is not ''shortly''. Whats the problem with that changelog...
    It says on the main page changelog for MoP will be posted shortly. Shortly = coming weeks? :D
    Well, yeah, because I'm speaking of the Cata one too. Both should be active before the month ends.

    learn to read...
    Sapphire says coming weeks before both definitly have been placed, so the MoP one will probably be placed very soon. The Cata one (which the update did not even happen yet) will be before the end of the month. That said the month is only 10 days more :)

  10. hello
    let me tell you what i think and i m gona tell the truth
    13 dungeons open but are you counting the ones you clossed after opening them?

    pet batlle not working anymore it is disabled

    i just want to say that we still need to focus on MOP since it is still broke since like 40% only working content

    its true that we have some nice badass dev so gg guys

    more work has been done is this 3 moths thant a whole 2 years

    about cata green you say you were 2 years only to fix endgame but i belive that you were working alone

    i mean not working alone but working with your heart and talking to players
    its just like it seems you did most of the work alone with little help

    but now i belive we have some professional dev so that why it will be faster

    i just hope that the remain focus is still mop since it is still crap compared to WOTLK and cata

    besides i think they said they gona work on low lvl dungeon in continuos pass so this is good also

    but seriously i think we have a beter and more capable team of dev working and its about time to catch out to the others servers since they are realy far and don't tell me we have the best this and the best this because i went to see the other servers and i m not gonna lie and they are realy beter in some ways;but let me tell you since i m one of the first players of molten i belive we are doing a damm good job lately so just keep up what you do

    i mean fo real WOTLK and cata got more bugs fixed in 3 moths than in like 2 years

    so this is what i have to say to the dev team and QA and all people if you s keep up the work at this rate we gona come back for being the first top server in like i estimate 4/6 moths

    so gj guys and we are counting on you because i didin't stay here to see molten go down in ruin i stayed because i know people here are serious and they realy want to come back being the first top private server out there

    so lets stay together and work forward to achiev this goal

    good luck and gj all

  11. Don't forget about this
    As we see a lot of complaints around low level dungeons raids in cata and mop and understanding importance of wotlk realm development we decided to improve&fix wotlk content with simultaneous porting to cata and mop.

  12. Don't forget about this
    So porting is possible, suddenly? Good news

  13. I'm pretty much amazed how great work devs did in these 3 months. Before Moltdown I have to say that development was pretty much crap. Now we are gonna get Lordaeron soon and hope it will be flagship for Warmane and if this pace continues we will probably (hope so) have WotLK working almost Blizzlike. (Still hoping for PoS script) :D

    Anyway gratz guys.

  14. Porting was never impossible, it just took a combination of manpower and knowledge we didn't have to spare, coupled with the late Administration's mismanagement.
    It still didn't suddenly become "copy&paste" or anywhere close to it. The porting green_dev means will still involve reworking code to suit the other expansions.

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