1. Low Level BG Queue Announcements

    Hello Frostwolf.

    I've realized that it can be difficult to organize Low level BGs here, so I've made a thread to announce when they are being queued for. Hopefully this will be useful, allowing players from both factions to coordinate so they can prove their strength in the Arathi Basin, or earn their honor in Warsong Gulch.

    Please be sure to include the faction that is queuing, the level bracket, and (if applicable) the specific BG you are all queuing for.

    I hope this helps!

    You friend, TCinator.

  2. I'll bite.

    Now calling all level 60s to queue for Warsong Gulch! Need Alliance and Horde! Queue now!!

  3. July 5, 2015  
    Alliance and Horde, please queue for level 60 BGs! We are waiting!

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