1. just 1 question. Why not allow DKs after a month with Outland release ?

  2. I don't think that there will be more than 1-1.5K people online. And that's an optimistic estimation, lol.
    This is the best wow private server in the world, wotlk is the best expansion blizzard ever made (fall of the lich king with 12m subscribers - now wow has 7.7m subs). That mean that after "Arthas Fall" people slowly started to quit wow - that also mean SOME will come here to experience nostalgia once again (we already have quite number of retail players). I am also sure that even more people from retail will come (wod is by far biggest disappointment, even bigger than pandaria), also from other private servers and other Warmane`s realms. I think every WOW player dreaming about good old days, and those guys (Warmane) offering us just that. I wont mention that even on Warmane, wotlk has 52% population of whole server(at this point) and i dont even count Lordereon PTR, and there are 2 more expansion. Remember Molten before cata or mop, that community had ****ing huge amount of players per hour, at least biggest that i saw.
    Also there is one private server with only 1 realm who is almost 100% Blizzlike(Like Lorde WILL be) with stable population of 7k+ players daily online and its Vanilla expansion (there is no such a thing as 100 % blizz, even Lorde wont be 100 % blizz because of one must-do thing )
    But with 99-100 % working quests, 1x leveling, progressive content (i hope so), also with disabled rdf ( till 3.3 or permanent) I wont mention 100% pve/pvp working cont. etc.. That will be without doubt one of the biggest realm ever, like good-old-frostwolf was (I remember 1,5k+que), but i think Lorde will be even better.
    So.. saying that there will be no more than 1-1,5 k online is not even silly, its a hundred percent stupid.

  3. Just make a donation shop with coins for vanity items like the chicken mount, Spectral Tiger, some Disguises or old legendaries like Sulfuras / Thunderfury for style.

    Ppl will still buy it.

    If items will become available for real money, you wont draw any players from other WoW Private Servers, because they will stay at their 1k populated Server with no p2w, because good scripts and a playerbase of maybe 3000+ isnt enough for a server to draw players from other servers.

  4. This is the best wow private server in the world, wotlk is the best expansion blizzard ever made (fall of the lich king with 12m subscribers - now wow has 7.7m subs). That mean that after "Arthas Fall" people slowly started to quit wow - that also mean SOME will come here to experience nostalgia once again (we already have quite number of retail players). I am also sure that even more people from retail will come (wod is by far biggest disappointment, even bigger than pandaria), also from other private servers and other Warmane`s realms. I think every WOW player dreaming about good old days, and those guys (Warmane) offering us just that. I wont mention that even on Warmane, wotlk has 52% population of whole server(at this point) and i dont even count Lordereon PTR, and there are 2 more expansion. Remember Molten before cata or mop, that community had ****ing huge amount of players per hour, at least biggest that i saw.
    Also there is one private server with only 1 realm who is almost 100% Blizzlike(Like Lorde WILL be) with stable population of 7k+ players daily online and its Vanilla expansion (there is no such a thing as 100 % blizz, even Lorde wont be 100 % blizz because of one must-do thing )
    But with 99-100 % working quests, 1x leveling, progressive content (i hope so), also with disabled rdf ( till 3.3 or permanent) I wont mention 100% pve/pvp working cont. etc.. That will be without doubt one of the biggest realm ever, like good-old-frostwolf was (I remember 1,5k+que), but i think Lorde will be even better.
    So.. saying that there will be no more than 1-1,5 k online is not even silly, its a hundred percent stupid.
    ^^The realm of Lordaeron will suprise many people. Warmane has a monster on their hands.

  5. ^^The realm of Lordaeron will suprise many people. Warmane has a monster on their hands.
    u say that coz u know it or guess it? as a lordaeron player in the past, i remember how i saw one time how a dung really should work (pit of saron for example)
    and i was shocked how i lived a lie for so many years in molten :D and the stuck bosses (skadi) and the achiev that u will never get, the flying mobs.
    dont get me wrong , im hyped to play this (with all the talk that 99% quests will work and ofc no shadowmourne for every1) but im afraid of the disappointment it might bring after.

  6. The old Lordaeron and WOTLK realm AH's was ****ed up, because the repartition of the materials (particulalry Titanium Ore) were really really really sucks.
    As I remember, the Titanium Ore was very rare and expensive, because you weren't able to find a f*cking Titanium Vein. You said (molten) that it was normal, and people just left the crystallized stuff in the vein. No. Once again. NO. There were a problem with the spawn of the veins, it was ****ing not normal (maybe bad spawn calculation for the realm population) , that you wasnt able to find a single Vein. Please don't do this again!!! People should prospect the Titanium Ores for epic gem materials (like in retail way), not as on the old Lordaeron, where the ores were 6-8 time more expensive that the gem materials. Please any developer reply this with an 'OK', because it should be - down writed - to your todo list. I don't want to see that my lovely server is ****ed up again on that way.

    Anyways, if you can do this all stuff, it'll be better than the retail wow. :)
    Edited: July 11, 2015

  7. The old Lordaeron and WOTLK realm AH's was ****ed up, because the repartition of the materials (particulalry Titanium Ore) were really really really sucks.
    As I remember, the Titanium Ore was very rare and expensive, because you weren't able to find a f*cking Titanium Vein. You said (molten) that it was normal, and people just left the crystallized stuff in the vein. No. Once again. NO. There were a problem with the spawn of the veins, it was ****ing not normal (maybe bad spawn calculation for the realm population) , that you wasnt able to find a single Vein. Please don't do this again!!! People should prospect the Titanium Ores for epic gem materials (like in retail way), not as on the old Lordaeron, where the ores were 6-8 time more expensive that the gem materials. Please any developer reply this with an 'OK', because it should be - down writed - to your todo list. I don't want to see that my lovely server is ****ed up again on that way.
    I found ALOT of veins, and used gatherer to map them out. And i made a fortune on AH xD

    Whats needed is randomized spawns so that ppl like me cant time the respawn of veins and get all of them. If not, ill keep on making cash the same way as before. Still got the gatherers locations, so im gonna check when its time ^_^

  8. Wait so since it is PTR does that mean when the actual server comes out everything will be wiped?

  9. The old Lordaeron and WOTLK realm AH's was ****ed up, because the repartition of the materials (particulalry Titanium Ore) were really really really sucks.
    This was fixed already, and I have no clue about the state of titanium ore's rarity right now, but we'll see.
    Wait so since it is PTR does that mean when the actual server comes out everything will be wiped?
    Yes, everything will be wiped when the server goes live.

  10. But, but, but WE NEED A DATE PEOPLE, my life is a cliffhanger right now :)))) please just set a -+5 days DATE !!!

  11. CMON MOLTEN !! tell US please when are you goin to release LORD ? IT IS GOING TO BE - Legen...Wait for it...Dary !!!!!!!!!

  12. Questions:

    What's the point of having Outland(?!?!) and/or Northrend released after 1-3months? It's a damn WoTLK server , do you expect ppl to do vanilla/TBC content aswell? They'll kill everything because WoTLK isn't tuned/balanced at level 60 or 70. You'll have two kind of classes : OP and UP. ( all the QQ/nightmare on forums afterwards )

    + you have to properly script old raids => eating more of your time.

    Let people zerk and let them roll DK's until lvl 80 , add starting dungeons and after one or two months roll the first raid. Add next raids (TIERS) overtime every 3-6months.

    Feature-wise , use the blizzard timeline 3.0-3.3 to add new features. (dungeon finder has been released at 3.3 patch for example)

    After you start rolling ICC on the main server, you can develop another PROGRESSIVE vanilla/tbc realm to attract players. Voila.

    CUSTOM FEATURE (from TBC) : add attunements for doing raids. Example : kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxx to enter Ulduar. Kill Yogg-Saron to enter ToC etc. Information : http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Instance_attunement

    You will let donors skip the queue?

    edit: give them an ETA.
    Edited: July 11, 2015

  13. Just a quick note for Kaer and the rest of the devs. All the mobs in the open world are bugged. The bug I've found is, if you try to run away from the mobs while in combat and somehow they are receiving damage (it can be from the retri aura of paladins, totems from shamans, etc...) they don't stop following you, until they stop receiving damage (if that happens you need to run for more yards), or until some of you (the player or the mob(s)) dies.

    Another important bug I've found in western plaguelands is that some of the mobs start to attack to themselfs, so you are stuck in combat even if you don't attack them. They start attack themselfs when the player have some pretty big distance from them, they can follow you in the enterly map. Sorry for my bad english and I do intend to report these bugs on bugtracker and I may do a report bug compilation here on the forums, because I've found several issues that you guys need to know to fix it all before launch. From here is Marthaalex (ally), Tosh(horde), Amespherus(horde) and Sodus(ally), just in case to know my characters in game, if you need to enter in contact with me. Btw, as always good work :)

  14. Questions:

    What's the point of having Outland(?!?!) and/or Northrend released after 1-3months? It's a damn WoTLK server , do you expect ppl to do vanilla/TBC content aswell? They'll kill everything because WoTLK isn't tuned/balanced at level 60 or 70. You'll have two kind of classes : OP and UP. ( all the QQ/nightmare on forums afterwards )

    + you have to properly script old raids => eating more of your time.

    Let people zerk and let them roll DK's until lvl 80 , add starting dungeons and after one or two months roll the first raid. Add next raids (TIERS) overtime every 3-6months.

    Feature-wise , use the blizzard timeline 3.0-3.3 to add new features. (dungeon finder has been released at 3.3 patch for example)

    After you start rolling ICC on the main server, you can develop another PROGRESSIVE vanilla/tbc realm to attract players. Voila.

    CUSTOM FEATURE (from TBC) : add attunements for doing raids. Example : kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxx to enter Ulduar. Kill Yogg-Saron to enter ToC etc. Information : http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Instance_attunement

    You will let donors skip the queue?

    edit: give them an ETA.
    i too dont understand why the 1 month and 2 month delay... is it to do raids? we probably will be able to do just 2 raids (i dont remember how fast u lvl in 1x rates but i assume it will be 2 weeks maybe - less if u play really alot) it wont be enough time for every1 to gear up, just he lucky ones and the ninjas.
    it should be all open but ulduar -> toc -> LK need to be opened in this order and with 4 month delay for each (to let all ppl gear up). not to say that to do sunwell u need to be really geared and no1 will try this till they are 80 :D

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