1. i prefer RDF... personally i hate all the "LF " crap in global... just for raids its fine or specific dungs. there is the issue of no flying mount, but no flying mount and doing dungs is... not fun, too much time wasted on going by foot and imagine if there will be wipe. even with RDF its taking years to gear up + limitation on dungs per day anyway - doesnt matter if RDF was invented abit after the patch... its just a feature... its not like it will ruin all the server
    i think RDF was one of worst things that happen in MMOs.pre RDF people use to talk to each other good players was in lots of people friendlist.i remember on my healer on retail when i log in there was like 10 people wisping me for hcs.it was way more fun and game was way more social.nowdays you queue up get in party with 4 randoms you never gonna talk ever again do the HC in 10 or less mins and leave.i hate that.

    about " taking ears to gear up" well back in wotlk when 3.0 hit i got almost fully BIS in less then 4 weeks with random guild i find in trade chat.it was not as hardcore as you think.people nowdays are just way to lazy to do anything.and thats why the majority or players now are so bad.(anyone who have played retail know how ******ed LFR is.)
    Edited: July 12, 2015

  2. i think RDF was one of worst things that happen in MMOs.pre RDF people use to talk to each other good players was in lots of people friendlist.i remember on my healer on retail when i log in there was like 10 people wisping me for hcs.it was way more fun and game was way more social.nowdays you queue up get in party with 4 randoms you never gonna talk ever again do the HC in 10 or less mins and leave.i hate that.
    so true - the social aspect is what this game is mostly about

  3. Regarding RDF , I realize that most of you forgot that RDF gives all the players equal chances and it helps especially those players that don't have many friends in game and maybe it gives them the chance to find some , RDF must be in,no doubt.To maintain the balance you must enable RDF , as it brings together starter players and more experienced ones,while selective groups encourage the selective groups. Just think about it , even when RDF was on,some people still used to make private parties , so who stops you to form a party even if RDf is available ?! No one. It doesn't even matter if you don't like RDF,because you can still form private parties with your friends,while the rest of the realm will queue in RDF,the key word is RANDOM,suggesting you that community should socialize and integrate the new players .
    These being said,RDF MUST be on,as it doesn't damage the game experience,and for the new players, disabling it might look like a custom feature or even abuse .
    Edited: July 12, 2015

  4. its fine and all but RDF was in the game so it should be enabled too... i remember the days without rdf... LF ppl in global, ppl see ur hp and kick u out coz u too noob - ah what days *sarcasm off*. anyway i love the 2 emblems bonus every first win of the day in heroic. at start it will probably wont matter coz ppl start from scratch but idk. there were always alot of bugs in RDF so alot ppl formed parties anyway
    edit : it also helps u to understand what dungs u can do or not (like a default filter- normal or heroic dungs. and so on)
    Edited: July 12, 2015

  5. i see only lazy people posting "mi mi mi give me rdf" - as this is gonna be blizzlike, i bet rdf will be disabled till 3.3.0 progress so stop crying. a true 1x progress realm is much more than only rdf.

  6. One big question "Can we expect for Wintergrasp and all battlegrounds working? Like Sota/isle of conquest etc?" I know 4 wrath servers who have WG fixed and bg's quite well.

    So any answer about this?

  7. lol

    I have been following this thread and holy sh*tballs are people demanding **** left and right.

    Let's take a moment and actually look at the intend of the realm:

    A (more or less) blizzlike progression realm. And people DEMAND the ****ing rdf tool. It is bad design, it's purpose was to catch people up in gear levels with well geared chars doing the daily HC for the frost emblem, while the suckers would leech on. Yes, I was a tank, and I have carried so many people who had absolutely no clue.

    Is it elitist to ask for RDF not being enabled and say I dont want to carry people? I propose a counter-question, why does people not learn their classes properly? COULD it be because they can be carried in BGs and RDF and therefore obtain gear, while still being relatively clueless? Could it be thoses people I saw on retail realms in LFR before I left there? Could it be, that RDF was actually bad for the game?

    I have recently started playing on different private servers, the best communities and friendliest players I have not met in rdf. I dont want a baddie in my group, who I cant force to leave. The implementation of RDF lowers the average players effort and skill level in HCs. Not like they are hard to begin with, I think later in the game we cleared some in 15 minutes, but it would send a nice signal to people that instead of running rdf with no commitment, people should actually care for their instance runs.

    All of the above requires that the average moron does not ask for gearscore or item level to enter a HC, and that people generally stop being dicks and ask for way too high gear for the content they are running. THAT is the only reason I can see new players with no guild/friends want RDF to be implemented.

    Instead of demanding RDF (which remember, was not in the game for 80 % of the expansion, AND it is stated that is is not available at launch by devs), focus on the real problems; Gearscore, gear reservation and raid leaders who asks for stupidly overgeared players for their raids.

    Wrath is already super easy, and if you find any of the raids "hard" (I can see some merit for ICC HC and maybe Ulduar hardmodes), then you need to look inwards and find some information on how to become a better player.

  8. Discussing the "Unconfirmed features" and suggestions for the realm

    I think we need a discussion thread for this as the "daily updated" thread has derailed into "When is the server released" and "We want/dont want RDF".

    My personal opinion to kick of the debate:


    - Character naming policy
    I don't care for this, but I can't see the harm.

    - No race or faction changes
    I think it is a bit harsh, and I prefer this very much as a donation option rather than buying gear. Not to make a whole paragraph bashing gear for donations, but this will affect the gameplay way less, and you can turn the option off if the population gets skewed towards one faction.

    - Gradual continent releases
    This is where the discussion is at! I think this is a brilliant idea, but I can also see the cons of the idea.

    The "feel" of all the 70s entering northrend will be much more blizzlike, and this time whole population is not funneled into one pvp zone (TBC bzt expansion ever!).

    More people to do the actual leveling content with, grouping for quests is always nice imo. Also provides better opportunities for group quests. (Havn't leveled since wrath so my memory is rusty, but I think I remember 2 groups quests at least.) This also gives more people to complete the dungeons for the appropriate levels then.

    More players capping at the same time for heroics and raids.

    People waiting for new content when capped at 60 or 70.

    Overall I feel there is more pros than cons here.

    I would even take it a step further and keep the raids closed in Northrend for a while, so people actually have chance to gear up before raids. That way the race is also on for Realms First T7 as a sprint, rather than a marathon with leveling + gearing + actual raid. And please, please do not release bugged raids so exploiter's can take realms first. Last time I experienced that, that killed the "Servers first" hype in an instant.

    The content is already known, people know the best specs, stats etc., when you release raids they will be smashed through by hardcore raiders, and then there will be an outcry for the next tier. You could look to unnerf some of the bosses to keep the longevity of the PvE side between raid tiers.

    Features that compliment realm's design of long-term activity, population and world PvP in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

    - Portal from Ironforge and Orgrimmar to Shattrah City and Dalaran to keep big capital cities populated
    - Chest spawn in Eastern Kingdoms containing a token that can be redeemed for coins on the website

    - Gold drain mechanics to maintain competitive Auction House prices and a healthy realm economy in the long-term
    - Simple, minimal but effective ways to maintain long-term activity, population and world PvP in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor

    There is no world PvP, people who insists there should be should play vanilla before the BGs are implemented. "World PvP" in the most cases consists of 80s ganking lowbies or people of equal level fighting when leveling. I don't see how any custom content (which many of the people who are attracted by the 1x rates and hardcore progressions detests) can "save" WPvP.

    I don't see a point for gold drain mechanics. Unless the devs **** up and has an exploit undetected, 1x rates will not cause concern for "gold sinks". There are portable holes from Shatt, the Mammoths and the chopper mounts if you feel the need to spend 20k gold. Also rare pets (pretty stable, even on private servers), BoE epics etc.

  9. Will the quest changes come to Ragnaros and Deathwing?

  10. I think the best idea isthat lorda become in a blislike in a progressive kingdom, with expansion 2 0r 3 month ago. and a real experience that level.

  11. can i pls get an answer regarding DKs from Staff? is there a possibility for u 2 rethink and allow Dks 2 be made when Outland gets released? This is gona be WoTLK realm after all, and i hate 2 miss the Outland part of it with main char while most ppl gona do TBC raids/dungeons... and ofc hellfire PvP.
    I mean after all when u release Outland after a month all are gona be lvl60+ so Dks wont bring any sort of disbalance from that point of view.

  12. can i pls get an answer regarding DKs from Staff? is there a possibility for u 2 rethink and allow Dks 2 be made when Outland gets released? This is gona be WoTLK realm after all, and i hate 2 miss the Outland part of it with main char while most ppl gona do TBC raids/dungeons... and ofc hellfire PvP.
    I mean after all when u release Outland after a month all are gona be lvl60+ so Dks wont bring any sort of disbalance from that point of view.
    The realm is going to be blizzlike, so this won't happen.

  13. They really need to update this first post and clarify a lot of things...

  14. I would like to told a bug you can not get your body from spirit

  15. Hey, I was wondering if you gonna enable the legendary quest lines, so that the *****s that will keep whinning about not being able to buy shadowmourne can atleast have a chance to get it...not that they are gonna do it, but I would like to work for a weapon like that.

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