1. July 3, 2015  

    MOP overall chest transmog issue

    Hello, on MOP servers there are many items that can not be transmoged on or to.
    There is an overall issue with all the off hands (none of them are able to be xmoged), and there are many chests that have this problem
    Today i have used vote points to vote for transmog set and i found that this chest Clutch of the Firemother (http://www.wowhead.com/item=70988/cl...the-firemother) has the issue, can not transmog anything on it and can not transmog any chest into it.
    My suggestion is that it is removed from the marketplace until this issue is fixed
    also i understand about the vote points being non refundable but considering the circumstances is there any chance that i can get an item that is of the same tier with lesser or same vote points vallue ? thanks
    Edited: July 3, 2015 Reason: grammar

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