1. Arp or Str

    For a Frost Dk with BiS gear, what is better to socket with +20 arp or +20 str ?

  2. Well I tried with strenght first and stayed like that for about a month(note I wasn't very close to BiS,altho I did have 2x havoc,heroic set,dbw hc and a few off-set bis items) after that,when I was able to hard cap arp,I switched.I personalyl find arp to dish out more than strength and I'm sure I'm not alone in this.Note that if you can't hard cap on arp(1400 arp rating) then going for it is pretty pointless.

  3. Yep, if you can cap your ARP and you're in BIS gear, it will be a great deal superior to a strength build.

  4. Now I had someone today tell me that arp works best with blood dps. Is this true?

  5. Now I had someone today tell me that arp works best with blood dps. Is this true?
    It's the first priority stat for Blood DPS, while Frost DKs also do well with an STR build. ARP will outweight STR nevertheless in endgame for Frost too.

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