1. Which faction is currently winning?

    Basically, which one runs the server pvp-wise (wins most bg's, world pvp, capital raids, etc.)?

  2. Ppl are crying that alliance is winning, not feeling same way but there it is. Alliance.

  3. Ppl are crying that alliance is winning, not feeling same way but there it is. Alliance.
    Its even.
    Got chars on horde and alliance as well.
    Hordes complain that they lose every time.
    Alliances complain that they lose every time.
    / these threads makes no sense

  4. there is no fun play bg horde side atm. usually full ally team 500k hp+ with 2-3 heals and 300k horde with 2-3 afk bots :)

  5. if you are good you will win whatever side you are. I play mostly solo and i feel it really even in gear almost all bg's but some individual/ group decisions decide the winner most of times so focus in your performance and you will eventually get a good positive ratio

  6. its pretty even most of my toons all have around 40-70% winrate but they are all alliance the higher winrates toon are fully geared and my lower geared toons have a lower winrate

  7. Both factions are complaining that they are always loosing in battlegrounds so I'd say it's even.

  8. I came to the conclusion that both factions are equal, it only depends on the time of the day, which faction dominates. For example i never played an alliance character, but when i go on BG's during the day (European Time), i get wrecked as there are too many undergeared players. The situation is totally different during the evenings/nights. Of course i speak for solo que here. If you get a premade you win 90% of the BG's no matter the time or faction.

  9. Really its kind of a silly question. Because both sides win 100% with premades. No competition on either side. Oh unless you mean world PvP in which also both sides win 100%. Really in BGs its premades versus nekkids and the premades always win, no fun for either side. And for world PvP its groups of 50 versus single AFKers, so the groups win 100%.

  10. I agree with akirox. I play the alliance (European time too) and we win most of the BGs in the morning and in the early afternoon. Late in the afternoon and in the evening the horde comes to rule in the BGs.
    This happens nearly every day from my observations, of course there are exceptions and whether we win or not it's often just a matter of luck. You can win even with 7/10 player undergeared against 8/10 geared team with 4 geared healers as we did yesterday.

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