1. Faction change&more

    With the new point system rework i get like 1 or 2 points per day and faction change is still costing 150? Is that ment to stay like that or just waiting to be fixed?

  2. I guess it'll be fixed eventually.

    That said I'm disappointed because now the amount of points I can get is lower: From 10, now I can get only 9... And I'm sure lots of people have it even worse.

  3. i really hope they fix the prices for the faction change , and about the new rank system for the votepoints. i think for some player it will be really hard to get the highest rank possible (if u pvp only) .but on the other side its cool to see that player who got banned will get less points :D

  4. Yes the price for faction changing and race changing will hopefully be changed soon as well. But looking over the new point system new players need to have at least one toon with a minimum of 1000 achievement points to use vote points and if you have the highest rank you can collect 1.2+ ponits doing the math and going what has been said about the price a person can get one item per month or every 4 - 5 weeks.

  5. faction change should only cost 15 points now

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