1. Gold from mining?

    Can i make gold by selling different mining bars in auction house?
    Will someone buy them, how long it takes?

  2. Any gathering profession is good for selling things on the AH. So the short answer is yes.

  3. You could., it's a decent source of gold BUT: most of the time (incl. peak hours for raiding) Icecrown and Storm Peaks are overcrowded with miners. Unless you can play at around 2 - 5 AM server time, you will face serious competition.

    The thing that sells best is the Titanium ore, jewelcrafters buy it for Prospecting. So if you can afford an alt with Alchemy - Transmutation mastery, you could just sell all the (not smelted) Titanium ore on the market, and make Titanium bars by transmuting Saronite bars. That's the most efficient way.

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