1. Give me reason to go back

    I stopped playing wow 7 months ago, to be exact after the "disaster", after I lost my work worth of 3 years on wotlk, 4 accounts with fully geared up characters, full profession, millions of gold in gbank, uncountable materials, achievements,

    Lately, I keep dreaming about azeroth when I sleep, I missed the time when I make first character, I want to feel it again, looking at my monitor screen and feel like I'm inside it, talking to quest giver, and you know the rest of this story :)

    I humbly ask you to give me reason to back to wow, I'm so frustrated right now.
    I don't want to spend another 3 years working up character again, it's like impossible for me now. But somehow I can't live without wow, like I'm loosing the purpose of my life.

    I'm sorry for my bad english, if you feel I'm wasting your time please close this tab. But I'm looking forward to discuss this with you.

  2. Looord aaay ronn

    Come to me Agungm

  3. Starting fresh, starting over, can be cathartic. It will never be the same as last time. It will be different and new, and maybe you'll get to correct something you wish you had done last time, or try a class you thought you'd never play.

    Ultimately, it's just a game. But it's fun, and the connections we make with people are always the real reward—that's even better than achievements and gear.

    I have noticed in my two weeks on Warmane, that the community (on Deathwing, at least) seems a little nicer, a little less elitist, and more giving than it had been on Molten toward the end. That encourages me. I lost two accounts, both with coins (though not many), but I'm happy just to enjoy the ride this time, rather than the destination.

    Best of luck in your decision. :)

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