1. Warrior tanks on WotLK servers?

    I've been hearing that Warrior tanks are bugged currently on WotLK servers(Ragnaros specifically) but I haven't been able to get any hard information on what's bugged or what can be done to mitigate it. Does anyone have any information?

  2. I've been hearing that Warrior tanks are bugged currently on WotLK servers(Ragnaros specifically) but I haven't been able to get any hard information on what's bugged or what can be done to mitigate it. Does anyone have any information?

    If you search thi forum you will find many more threads about the topic.

    Long story short: Prot was bugged, but capable of tanking any content on wotlk for almost 2 years now and since the last major patch without any real issue.

  3. I've been hearing that Warrior tanks are bugged currently on WotLK servers(Ragnaros specifically) but I haven't been able to get any hard information on what's bugged or what can be done to mitigate it. Does anyone have any information?
    To be honest i'm curious of how tanks are gonna look like in Lord because my friend told me armor is actually working like it should (midigates the damage correctly) but i don't know how block and block value/how much you block works since that's the main thing that was bugged on the old wrath servers (the armor and the shield midigation)... But warriors in general were the best tanks but they dropped slightly durning ICC since druids, paladins and dkd simply had advantages because of chill of the throne (the 20% less parry chance debuff) and had more things to offer for midigation (prob why warriors were not so popular) but people still play it and their not useless really.. They just were a little down on the tank pyramid :)

  4. I've been hearing that Warrior tanks are bugged currently on WotLK servers(Ragnaros specifically) but I haven't been able to get any hard information on what's bugged or what can be done to mitigate it. Does anyone have any information?
    Just play them if you like them. Or you like more paladins 3 button rotation.

  5. I read comments from back in 2009 about retail and people say warrior is a very good tank in ICC and it tops the DPS chart if played by skilled player but here on Deathwing i've never seen something great of a dps out of a warrior, so there must be something missing

  6. Wrong, go ask Belsey, 24k dps end boss on lk25hc, throughout the whole fight.. 24k..But anyway, he's not a tank, he's a dps, also, War tanks are fun.

  7. Nothing wrong with Prot Warrs since several months now, and they were viable even with their bugs back then. Whoever told you that doesn't have a clue about the class.

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