1. I still prefer the lorewalker disc <3

  2. Zulian Tiger since vanilla

  3. The Tundra Mammoth since it can carry 3 players or vendors. To bad i will never be able to afford it

  4. My top 3:
    3. Rusted Proto-Drake
    2.Violet Proto-Drake
    1. Ironbound Proto-Drake

  5. My top 3 all time favorite.

    1. Reins of the Headless Horseman. (Land and Air - So win/win)
    2. Sea Turtle. (just cause it looks cool and is a good swimmer)
    3. Head of Onyxian Drake. (unique look to a drake)

  6. I think I like engineering mounts the best.
    Bikes, flying machines, sky golem.
    Nothing more badass than a DK riding a bike.

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