1. Working dungeons and Raids?

    Hello, I just wanted to ask, which instances are available in WOTLK: Ragnaros? If there was a list it would be most helpful!

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I think all of the dungeons are open , not sure

  3. Everything is available. Ulduar has only a few half-scripted bosses - the rest is pretty bugged or can't be pulled. Malygos isn't scripted and cannot be killed. Regarding dungeons, ToC 5 is the only one "bugged" (you can't make use of the mounts at all, but you can simply tank the bosses if your tank/heal are strong enough). The rest of the raids and dungeons are doable.

  4. Utgarde Pinnacle not doable atm aswell, since the movement update, You cant kill the dragon Skadi is riding.

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