1. PVPers overtaking PVErs

    So im just trying to get some clarity on the viablity of PVP gear people doing PVE raids. Because in recent light it has been seen raiders are choosing PVPers since they have 522 weap or gear and can out dps a 489 PVEer like by miles. Is there no advantage of PVE gear peope over PVP gear people? If not isn't that unjust to people who do not PVP?

  2. So im just trying to get some clarity on the viablity of PVP gear people doing PVE raids. Because in recent light it has been seen raiders are choosing PVPers since they have 522 weap or gear and can out dps a 489 PVEer like by miles. Is there no advantage of PVE gear peope over PVP gear people? If not isn't that unjust to people who do not PVP?
    This isn't blizzard m8 It's just how the expansion works., WoD is the only expansion where they balance that.

  3. There is some (though not a lot) of PvE gear that can be obtained with Valor Points in Townlong Steppes that is ilvl 522 and can be upgraded to become even higher. I'd say the body, hands and trinket are definitely worth getting if you're into PvE-- trinket being the best and highest priority.

    Once you get exalted with the Shadowpan Assault (not to be confused with the Shadowpan) you can buy a 522 PvE shoulder piece for only 900 gold. Shadowpan Assault rep is obtained through defeating bosses in Throne of Thunder.

  4. Don't compare diffrent ilvls. Go watch at a pvper with 522 and a pver with 522 or a pver with 489 and a pvpers with 489.

  5. both replies are correct. the reason people go for PvP gear is because it is relatively easy to obtain compared to the same ilvl PvE gear. Some of the 522 PvE gear is upgrade-able making it better, also some 522 PvE has better stats to become the "BiS gear." (until new raid is released)

  6. since gearing system on mop is totally garbage (bugged dungeons, too much etilism from "some" guilds, not enough jp farming, not enough pve encourage after you hit 90 at all) this is mostly a bg server until you get full tyrannical you just have to do arena and outgear the much time that you "waste" by doing some pve dungeons where you dont get accepted at HC without being geared.

    The issue is that warmane isnt encouraging people AT ALL to do pve and farm pve gear, they dont encourage people to do more pve with increased JP/VP valor rates for some weeks as event or something just giving an example. The issue comes mostly from the staff, they dont encourage enough to make people pve more at fresh 90 which causes ALOT of issues at pvp when you see greenies/naked people so lazy that they can't even buy a contender set when it costs top 2k on a x7 gold rate server..

  7. Just compare : Winning 10 games with a random guy or a guild mate or even better paying someone as low as 200g per win will get you a piece of 522 gear in 1 ~ 2 weeks. After this you can either help out in a BG or AFK since no one cares and the report buttons are broken.

    Compare this with gearing up and hitting HC's and then LFR and then 10man and then 25man and then HC. On top of which the items that you want have A CHANCE to drop and even if they do you need to contend with at least one other person in the raid for it! [Not sure if the lucky charm things work here]

    Whats faster here?

    Also it is not actually that difficult to gear for PvE, however there is a LOT of grind involved and people would not want to waste that time now would they.

  8. His question though remains unanswered (and I'd also like to know the answer to it): are PvP geared people viable in a PvE environment? Say if I cap my hit and wear mostly 522 PvP items I am more productive than someone full PvE under 500's right?

  9. Yes, I started doing PvE with full Griv gear. And trust me, almost 80% of the PvP gear is better then the current ToT one, except trinkets. Here is ur answer.

  10. Yes, I started doing PvE with full Griv gear. And trust me, almost 80% of the PvP gear is better then the current ToT one, except trinkets. Here is ur answer.
    this is what you came here for.

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