1. Lf Mangle Specc


    can u link me a nice Mangel specc? I really couldnt find one :(

  2. Hi, here is my proposition of a mangle spec: http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#0ZeMMscbdbeRhcuAk0Ecz
    If you are used to play feral, you can move some points from Natural Shapeshifter to Predatory Instincts to slightly improve your damage. But shapeshifting will affect a lot your mana pool then.

    You will also need:
    -glyph of mangle (+10% damage on mangle is a nice boost)
    -glyph of berzerk (+5sec on berzerk)
    -glyph of rip (+4 sec on rip)
    Edited: August 19, 2015

  3. This is a pvp mangle spec. If u want to play feral i suggest u start playing it correctly, eventually you will learn how to get behind the boss/player.
    There is nothing more powerful than a 25k shred in icc or a 10k shred on a clothie

  4. This is a pvp mangle spec. If u want to play feral i suggest u start playing it correctly, eventually you will learn how to get behind the boss/player.
    There is nothing more powerful than a 25k shred in icc or a 10k shred on a clothie
    I'm not sure to get your point. A mangle spec is a pvp spec, as the feral pve spec is based on the use of shred. He asked for a mangle spec so I linked this. Saying its a "pvp mangle spec" is like.. a pleonasm.

    Now, concerning the "how you should play feral" question, it's up to him. I guess it is easier for a beginner to play mangle spec, but I agree with you, in my opinion the shred spec is the most efficient way to play feral in pve as in pvp. (and it's more like 30k shred in icc and 15k shred on clothie with BiS feral :p)

  5. I'm not sure to get your point. A mangle spec is a pvp spec. Saying its a "pvp mangle spec" is like.. a pleonasm.
    Well, I've seen Ferals playing mangle spec in pve so.... And since he didn't specify pvp or pve....hope u get my point :)

    Now, concerning the "how you should play feral" question, it's up to him. I guess it is easier for a beginner to play mangle spec, but I agree with you, in my opinion the shred spec is the most efficient way to play feral in pve as in pvp. (and it's more like 30k shred in icc and 15k shred on clothie with BiS feral :p)
    I agree with you on that one, his choice... Ferals For The Win! :D

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