1. Nu ma pot conecta.

    Buna,ieri am jucat toata ziua si toata noaptea pana pe la 6 dimineata,astazi cand am intrat sa ma logez scria doar "connect" doar atat,am schimbat realmlistu am sters ch,tot nu a mers ba chiar am mai downlodat o data jocul si tot la fel scrie.Toata ziua am incercat sai dau de capat vad ca servarul este online,dar la mn nu merge.Eu sunt pe Frostwolf.

  2. Abia astept sa vad rezolvarea,si mie imi face la fel.


    August 27, 2015

    Sentinel anti-cheat has been updated and now has enhanced detection for the few third party cheating software that were previously undetected. Hundreds of accounts have already been flagged. Using cheating software will result in a temporary or permanent account suspension.

    Se pare ca si'au bagat pla iar in ceva...mie imi da disconnect automat cand intru, nu am nici un hack...

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