1. What's up with all these lowbee newbies in bg?

    For real, i've been on every expansion and server and never ive seen so many lowbees in bg before.

    10 man bg's where 9 are under 400k, eots's where all run middle, and all sorts of newbie crap.

    Never seen it this bad before, whats up on this realm?

  2. Oh i feel the QQ in this thread :D There has and always been lowbies in EVERY expansion :P

  3. I understand your point cuz I know very well what are you talking about..

    You dont win bg's with stupid people plain and simple just dont release and wait for the enemy team to win nowdays I just REFUSE to play with people that dont even bother with the objetives, teamplay or focus and trust me lately on alliance side it's 90% of the time since we dont have any pvp guilds around anymore that's why I'm not doing bg's much anymore. There's people that HAVE gear but not the enough braincells to understand how a bg works, I lost games with a 522 premade on my side leason that means gear doesnt mean **** if you dont actually know what to do on a battleground, gear isnt always the carry factor on some games..

  4. Warmane is a big server, means there is a big group of everything including undergeared players. There is no other way to gear for PvP then just do BG's.

  5. I understand there is no other way, but it has never been that there are so many in a bg. I just came from a AB where average ilvl was 426 overal, i mean, dafuq man. people with 264k hp, 298k, 302k, 309k, 367k etc. Sure every realm has it but im telling you, never been this worse.

    I was on Sargeras before the melt and i lvled pretty much every toon to full tyr in 2 days as good geared people were more in bg than low geared but on here its the other way around.

    Just frustrating as hell!

  6. 1. Players don't have the option to trade Justice Points for Honor anymore so players are pretty much forced to join BGs with low gear-- the best they can get being crafted auction house gear.

    Only 9 vote ups for this issue....

    2. With the advent of Moltdown thousands of people have extra accounts with instant 90 throwaway toons and have no qualms sitting them afk and naked in every BG just to farm honor points.
    Edited: September 7, 2015

  7. Thanks for linking this, people vote this up!

  8. Voting up makes no difference
    Edited: September 7, 2015

  9. Psychopreach

    so how did u gear your toon for pvp when it was fresh?

  10. Everyone starts somewhere...Kinda need to do BGs to gear up.

    Biggest problem imho is the *****s that complain about it and start shouting abuse because they're losing. Deal with it. You can't win em all...

  11. Everyone starts somewhere...Kinda need to do BGs to gear up.

    Biggest problem imho is the *****s that complain about it and start shouting abuse because they're losing. Deal with it. You can't win em all...
    On the contrary, those complaining about it are not *****s as you put it. They are very reasonable. Because, while it is true that warmane lacks craftable malevolent for an easier start for example, this is easily offset by the fact that PvE items are not toned down in BGs. So what does a sensible and adequately intelligent person do upon noticing that there are way too many lowly geared players in most BGs? Obviously that person would join raidfinder and get at least some decent items. Those in conjunction with contender gear will push any player above 470ilvl.

    Like it said, intelligent people would do that. So what does this tell us about the majority of players joining BGs?

  12. warmane lacks craftable malevolent for an easier start for example
    indeed. I suggested many times a started package with dreadful = ilvl458 with pvp bonus set with off sets but I got ignored. Also if we get crafted malevolent it would be 476 which the pvp gear is 496 there's a bit difference but not much compared to tyrannical - grevious.

    Players don't have the option to trade Justice Points for Honor anymore so players are pretty much forced to join BGs with low gear-- the best they can get being crafted auction house gear.
    I dont think they will actually make this happen any time soon, I really doubt they want people to JP farm for days to get full pvp gear and join in right away. I hope it gets fixed anyway they fixed honor into jp I dont see why they shouldnt allow this. As for the "crafted" gear they dont always get it at all because laziness it's a x7 gold rate server shouldnt be difficult at all get enough gold to get a contender plus some rings/necks and the 450 blue trinket with the dragon (can't remember the name) it's true that they dont fix the BoA weapons either most of them have been bugged since forever it shouldnt be hard to make them spawn with a 10 mins spawn at least due the INSANE amount of demand they will get for sure, things are there it seems they just dont want to do anything about it..

  13. Well their intentions may be reasonable but they come off as arseholes. Also, whilst they are typing out nice, long, abusive messages, they themselves could be doing something far more useful, such as capturing a flag, killing hordies/alliance and so on.

    It's funny how you say it's intelligence though, do you not think maybe they just don't know this?..I wouldn't have known this if I didn't have a friend who gives me this kind of information.

    Maybe if people like you were not such elitists and were more helpful and accepting, then the community for WoW might not be such a bad one.

  14. I dont think they will actually make this happen any time soon, I really doubt they want people to JP farm for days to get full pvp gear and join in right away.
    Its part of the game and blizzlike whats the problem here? :c

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