1. Open Letter to the Pally that killed Loque'nahak last night

    I woke yesterday, determined that today was going to be the day that I would find and tame this beautiful unicorn. For hours I circled, and searched, my boyfriend with me, shaking his head at my single mindedness, no doubt, and watched others, obviously camping her spawn areas, come and go. Frustration and the desire to just stop setting in after the twelfth hour of yet again circling Sholazar, waiting to see the glow of her coat and the glint of her eye through the jungle foliage.

    For a time, I gave up, realizing that my desire for this creature had entered the arena of obsession, and for four hours i avoided the search, no longer able to justify the endless hours in even my mind, but in the end my fingers lead me back to Sholazar once more. This time there were no other hunters camping and searching, just me, caught up in the search. My boyfriend, again, supporting me logged in his hunter, searching with me, each of us going in opposite directions. As it happens, he found her and landed in front of her, yelling in my whisper window to hurry, that she was there.

    My heart was beating, and i was on the other side of Sholazar. A horde hunter came by, and another Alliance killed him to help us as he saw that we were getting ready to tame this wonderful, epic beast. As for what happened next, I can only shake my head and wonder at the callousness of people. As I got closer, the cry of "NO" came into my ears. I was only a second from landing, and that cry immediately took the wind and the heart out of me. There she lay as i landed, dead at his feet. A paladin and a warrior flying away from the area as soon as my horse's hooves touched the ground, my boyfriend now silent. There was nothing to say. The warrior we talked to, the paladin leaving too quickly for us to whisper, at first thinking they were together, demanding explanations for this unspeakable act of nothing more than callousness, then apologies as he explained what happened, he had been the one to kill the other hunter, and was rooting for us, the paladin he pursued, but lost her. She was Alliance, our own faction, and still she took this away from us.

    Once the anger was gone, I cried. I sat staring at her body with tears in my eyes, heartbroken, until the server took her away. Another hunter taming her, that I could understand, and would never attempt to stop that, but this act with another hunter sitting there in front of her, this hit and run for no reason, this to me is inexplicable. It took the wind and the heart from me. Please, if you happen upon one of these beautiful creatures, these elusive creatures of spirit and mist, leave them be. To beast mastery hunters, these are our mythical creatures, our white whales, and our search for them, for those most perfect of pets consumes us.
    Edited: September 16, 2015 Reason: title edit

  2. No offense but that was quite funny xD

    I am sorry for what happened to you though, better luck next time!

  3. I would farm the guy who did something like that to me. Perhaps even levelling and gearing a horde toon just to kill him. Repeatedly. For hours. xD

    But that's just me.

  4. Seems like trolling to me but if its real, get a life lol

  5. Lol i've rarely come across topics on warmane like this being so long just to express a persons hatred about a pala killing a "unicorn" . The struggle is real #killthepaladin
    Edited: September 16, 2015

  6. wow u got pc in kitchen? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. Seems like trolling to me but if its real, get a life lol
    Look who's talking

  8. Seems like trolling to me but if its real, get a life lol
    You're the one to talk rofl.

    On the topic, bit too emotional but I get why you're upset. I would have checked /who, written the name of the paladin and camped him till the end of warmane. God luck getting him, don't give up. :)

  9. The bad news is that 2 people lost a lot of hours basically doing nothing but the sad new is that you will probably lose more...
    Every time I had a hunter I and some beasts but I never camped any of them, i just passed and if they were there all good, if not, all good anyway because in fact besides their beauty and rarity I don't think they are the best pet for anything you want to do in game... Still is a shame that it happened, even if Alliance and Horde are in war 24/7 I believe that people should have common sense and some respect for the others but some people are just 2 selfish and others just love to bully because some psychological problem they have

  10. The same can be said for the other hunter that came in and tried to tame it as well. There is a firm reason as to why these beasts are rare, its because of all the **** you need to deal with in trying to get them. So deal with it or don't bother.

    And too all the people wanting to camp the paladin, I'm sure he would have just moved to a different server or moved on to a different alt [Which further enforces the fact that some people here need get real in life], the guy was probably new to WoW and seen a shiny silver dragon mob and said what the heck lets kill it and lo and behold he got an achievement for it as well!

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