Hello Boys and Girls!
Lets get one thing straigth out of the Way. I know its highly unusual that a single Player is searching for a Guild via the Forum and you probably asking yourself "Why the hell should I message this guy or write a comment, if HE is the one searching for a Guild?!". Well, for some Guilds I maybe have an offer that they cant refuse (Yes, Pun intended). But Jokes aside. I have played on Molten for quite some time now (Only on the Cataclysm-Realm though - roughly 1 1/2 years is my guess) and have cleared the whole Content (I know, impressive - not) over and over again. I´ve been in a few guilds but played and/or raided mostly with friends and collegues. If´ve been through the whole "Serverwipe"-Scenario and regeared some Chars. But lets be honest, all this gets dull after seeing Deathwing fall over and over again.
So i leveld a Char on MoP (old Hellscream to be precise). The Gearingprocess started and so the Server wiped. I quit WoW for quite some time after that (not before using the function to create multiple Chars on Cata and MoP)and regeared a bit on Cata with some friends who stayed.

And thats where the big difference to the "normal" Application begins. But first, let me tell you a bit about me as a player. I´ve played WoW for round about 7 years now (Iam 25 years and from Germany btw). And soon after I started playing i found my role that suited me the most - to be the Healer. No matter what expansion i played, I always ended up as a Healer. I always strive to be the best of my class - with quite some succes in the past. I would say that i pretty much mastered all the classes in all the expansions that i played (I dont want to sound cocky or something, but I think confidents is always boosting your own capability). I have yet to find my match. Theorycrafting and calculating are (almost) as much fun as actual raiding to me. And preparation is a keyelement to succes.

But then theres that part that i absolutly hate. The Gearing up. Actually no, thats not right - the Gearing up with Molten Players! Dont get me wrong, Molten has a handfull of good Players and Guilds. But the majority of all the Players are just... well... Molten Players (Admit it, you know what im talking about). And after leveling and gearing on Cata (including the Serverwipe - though there was no more leveling thanks to the "Insta 85/90"-Option)over and over again, i just cant stand the Idea of grinding again for weeks and/or months with these so called "Molten Players". That beeing said - finally back to the "Big difference" i mentioned earlier. I am offering you all the 5 healing classes (6 if you count Disc/Holy as two "classes") - choose the one you need the most and i will play it (if you would ask for my personal preference, I would pick Disc)! Just name the date of the raiding day and i will be ready as best as I can be.

But here is a DISCLAIMER, just in case it was not clear or not clear enough statet on my Part. I have every Healingclass there is in MoP on maxlevel, BUT noone of them has Gear (Im talking about "just" green/blue gear here). Yes, i know that would mean that i have to be equiped first to really show what i can do. And i also know that this is a risky move (lets be honest, dont we hate it if a player, that is a complete noob, gets all the gear?) to equip someone you absolutly dont know. But sometimes you have to take a risk (And maybe youre just grinding the content and dont "need" most of the gear anyway - just a random thought).

If youre interested and maybe want to discuss more about this "offer" that im making, let me know and we can talk further about this (Via PM or Teamspeak/Raidcall - i dont mind).
With best regards