
My name is Vizillity and i play mage in wow

im currently looking for a raiding guild on warmane mainly because i gave up retail they are kinda destorying the game i always loved and its not getting better when the new expansion comes out,

ive been a hardcore raider in WoW since TBC so i can keep with the skill level of the players ive done all the fights HC in MoP MSV/HoF/Toes/ToT/Siege
im from the Netherlands but my english is pretty good, i also got Teamspeak/Mumble/Raidcall/Vent whatever is needed for Voice Com i got it.

im willing to put alot of affort in my class aswell as in the guild helping people out during day time is always important.

if your a guild that is looking for a well EXP Fire mage give me a msg in-game or just simply reply underneath this forum post

Kind Regard

-The lonely Orc Mage