1. [H] <Shattered Oath>: Recruitment

    <Shattered Oath> is a new guild in recruitment stage. We are just a group of fun loving christian men who like to pvp, pvp, pvp and pvp. Sometimes we can just "hang out". Nothing "weird" here, but if anything happens that's cool too. On a serious note, we are a guild that almost exclusively pvps and will strive to be the most hated guild by alliance members; all levels. We will gank until our fingers bleed.

    /w Esqueleto, Wewlad or Birel for more info.

  2. Awesome guild, nice fun atmosphere. Well worth joining!

    // Nehalennia

  3. Just a heads up: This guild is still active and has a solid core of fun players. Usually 10-15 man online. Always looking for nice people to join our ranks :)

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