1. What after 60?

    Hello Warmane staff and members!
    Even tho I found about this server much earlier,I still didn't start at the very beggining(means on the actual release day).First expressions are good,yet perfect,but we'll see how the end-game content will be scripted(I do believe in you).
    Anyways,my Title says it all,what can you do after you hurry with level and hit 60? Is there anything that can help u at level 80 (except gold) ?
    Can someone make like a list of things (useful) u can do after hitting 60?

    Thanks a lot,
    Best Regards !

    P.S Can you make a Guild Headquarters for both Alliance and Horde? Or if there's any,I'd be please to have it because im pretty new on Warmane's forum but I look forward to hearing some positive stuff from both customers/players and Staff.

  2. When you hit 60 you will be able to access all classic content (instances, battlegrounds etc.). Because we said its "classic", you will not be able to go to Northrend or Outlands (in any way). This will last till 25th of October or so (when BC content is supposed to be released)
    Once that is out it will be the same deal, you will be able to access all classic and tbc content, but not Northrend or its instances

    About other restrictions, there is a cap on professions (I believe it was 300) and a level 60 cap on players during the classic period

    About Guild Headquarters, what do you mean by that?

  3. How can I find guilds recruiting? On this same Lordaeron forum or in-game?

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