so i have 29 points and i'm not sure which trinket to get STS or DBW ? which is better for DW FDK ?

  2. go sts first dbw is easyer to get

  3. get STS.
    DBW is good mostly because arp unlike STS that gives arp and nice effect, sometimes I think DC is better because nice synergy with boss downtimes and such. Oh damn, shouldn't have said that, 10 guys will say it cant be because his sim shoewd numbaar bigeer on DBW and DBS was higher dps hurr durr!1!!

    get STS its best trinket that there is.

  4. No angry,I wouldn't say dbw>dc/dv cuz of a higher gs,you could use either as long as you cap on arp with other items.

  5. DBW is useful for the static ArP.
    The proc is rather horrible, for various reasons.

  6. Go for the STS for sure, besides the trinket being harder to get and providing more ARP, the proc is better as well and you don't have to cancel it every time you try to mount up.

  7. Go for the STS for sure, besides the trinket being harder to get and providing more ARP, the proc is better as well and you don't have to cancel it every time you try to mount up.
    There's nothing more to add to this thread, you are completely right.

    You can mount as taunka tho, but I digress.

  8. somehow i ****ed up and bought a dbw , i guess i'll spend a few bucks and get sts hc

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