1. This topic just shows right opinions of Warmane users . But it seems that staff do not care
    To be honest the forums is a very tiny minority of users so saying that is a false and inaccurate statement... Sure some people check if they post something on the website (news related) or announce it ingame but otherwise not many use the forums (in my opinion) of the total playerbase :)

  2. I usually don't complain but this new market is really disappointing. My expectations of the new market was that they would add missing transmog/recipes/mounts that weren't obtainable ingame due to closed content. Also that the ridiculous cost of transmog from cata content would be lowered. Instead there are even more items missing now and the price of nearly everything has doubled. Some of the prices even as much as 6x the price of the old market. Not to mention inferior gear that has ridiculously high pricing even though I can get better than that in a few hours of playing.

    I had a hard time deciding if I should spend my points on mop or wotlk. This new market made it very easy to decide which.
    basicaly this^

  3. uhm, am i hallucination about the price of vp item.

  4. the VP prices should change, considering Mop population is noticeably shrinking with lack of content and attention from Developers. Let us be honest, this is not helping warmane at all, making this "blizzlike" would mean having ALL the dungeons open, but you don't. So your most logical solution is to higher the vote prices.... doesn't seem like the best idea to say the least. I hope they will re-evaluate this because the amount of positive feed back is about zero.
    Edited: October 9, 2015

  5. please do smth with points .. is too many to collect i have to play 1 year for 1 xmog nice..

  6. after my guild/friends left fw and basicaly warmane because of lack of content i decided to comeback(after 4 months i guess) so i started to read on formus to see if they updated the pandaria but when i saw this i went intro shock , not only nothing changed for so long but in fact it got worst... they reseted the points so you will need to start voting againe (because some ppl who had allot of vp didn't vote anymore ),and they raised the price so if you want an item you will be force to vote (so the site will gain his popularity back on wow ranking sites) for a long long time ... my point is why to vote ? when you can just "wait" to get the item on normal way ,lets just "wait" until wotlk conted will be ported , lets just "wait" with vote and donation till they release some content like they are telling us....PS i know my message will get deleted and i will be banned but i can't shut up anymore i loved this server and i spent so much time in it for nothing aparently... same lack of respect for users

  7. and about the " if you will take the gear from vp then ppl will stay afk in duelwind "thing ,how voting everyday to get an item will make you do something else besides what you can rly do that means nothing much at least when ppl could take some items from marketplace they where excited about geting a new mog so they will farm the pieces obtainable in game(they are few but there was still something), it takes me 1 min to vote then alt+tab againe in wow and do nothing,and if you give us this we want to make it blizzlike then release full content so we can farm the items and remove the items from coinshop as well so only then it will be blizzlike...

  8. Warmane (Frostwolf) rip Christmas 2015.at the same date jesus was born and frostwolf will die.

    No marketplace,no life.

    they don't care aabout mop,they hyped wotlk realm like it's something out of this world,even though the wotlk expansion is old 7 years,when i see those wotlk fanboys playing for 7 years and still cant get even challenger it makes me throw up.

  9. I have been here for quite some time now, early 2012, seen a LOT of changes here for good and bad. As a Business analyst, i would like to advice you on a few things Warmane team.

    Lets analyze your hypothesis : Increased effort in gear acquisition = Increased engagement & profits (for this free server in specific).

    You have 4 buckets of people here, lets look at them (just imagine 4 quadrants) :
    a. People who are donors, and play a lot.
    b. People who are donors, and play little.
    c. People who are "potential donors" and play a lot.
    d. People who are "potential donors" and play little.

    Its obvious that you will want to retain group a, and try to push group b and c into group a by engaging them more to "play" or "pay" respectively. Category d is the one that you should invest least effort and time on.

    Now, this means that you require to understand the type of customers in group b and c, and try to cater to their needs in specific, in order to engage them more. I cant tell you a solution (like most of the people here are doing) since i don't have the data, however i can tell you to ask a few questions before you make this leap of assuming you strategy will work.

    Will increasing value of xmog items really improve customer engagement (forcing them to play OR pay more)?
    Is customer satisfaction correlated with customer engagement? How does this vary across segment a, b, c?
    Do ALL customers here really want blizzlike experience (both in content and time of play) ? Do they want only content? Do they want only time of play increased?

    You can ask your data guys to probably build you a quick attrition model using logistic reg to see whether some of these factors (or all) are significant drivers of your hypothesized effect. A clustering algo will let you define the fine lines between category a,b,c and d customers so that you can understand them better (try K-Means or SVM)

    My hypothesis is -
    Category a players are here because they get more ROI out of Warmane than blizzard (Epic mounts, vanity items with minimal effort)
    Category b players are here because they want faster alternatives to Blizzard (they have money for blizzard as well)
    Category c players are here because they cant afford Blizzard and want to have the next best available game experience.

    Targeting them separate would be wiser. You guys belong to an industry where customer experience is key to business, so if I were you I would take my customer experience data as seriously as historical data.

    Lastly, my personal opinion about your change to the market place is that you are trying to implement a strategy which is not targeted to specific customer types, and thus may create problems in customer experience in general. There are a lot of people here who play here simply because it lets them "win" a lot more easily. For example, I recently donated for a 483 boots transmog (12 coin) since I got too fed up with its ****ty drop rates (or my bad luck!) and I am 522.

    I hope you take this message seriously.

    A concerned old timer.

  10. I have been here for quite some time now, early 2012, seen a LOT of changes here for good and bad. As a Business analyst, i would like to advice you on a few things Warmane team.

    Lets analyze your hypothesis : Increased effort in gear acquisition = Increased engagement & profits (for this free server in specific).

    You have 4 buckets of people here, lets look at them (just imagine 4 quadrants) :
    a. People who are donors, and play a lot.
    b. People who are donors, and play little.
    c. People who are "potential donors" and play a lot.
    d. People who are "potential donors" and play little.

    Its obvious that you will want to retain group a, and try to push group b and c into group a by engaging them more to "play" or "pay" respectively. Category d is the one that you should invest least effort and time on.

    Now, this means that you require to understand the type of customers in group b and c, and try to cater to their needs in specific, in order to engage them more. I cant tell you a solution (like most of the people here are doing) since i don't have the data, however i can tell you to ask a few questions before you make this leap of assuming you strategy will work.

    Will increasing value of xmog items really improve customer engagement (forcing them to play OR pay more)?
    Is customer satisfaction correlated with customer engagement? How does this vary across segment a, b, c?
    Do ALL customers here really want blizzlike experience (both in content and time of play) ? Do they want only content? Do they want only time of play increased?

    You can ask your data guys to probably build you a quick attrition model using logistic reg to see whether some of these factors (or all) are significant drivers of your hypothesized effect. A clustering algo will let you define the fine lines between category a,b,c and d customers so that you can understand them better (try K-Means or SVM)

    My hypothesis is -
    Category a players are here because they get more ROI out of Warmane than blizzard (Epic mounts, vanity items with minimal effort)
    Category b players are here because they want faster alternatives to Blizzard (they have money for blizzard as well)
    Category c players are here because they cant afford Blizzard and want to have the next best available game experience.

    Targeting them separate would be wiser. You guys belong to an industry where customer experience is key to business, so if I were you I would take my customer experience data as seriously as historical data.

    Lastly, my personal opinion about your change to the market place is that you are trying to implement a strategy which is not targeted to specific customer types, and thus may create problems in customer experience in general. There are a lot of people here who play here simply because it lets them "win" a lot more easily. For example, I recently donated for a 483 boots transmog (12 coin) since I got too fed up with its ****ty drop rates (or my bad luck!) and I am 522.

    I hope you take this message seriously.

    A concerned old timer.
    Much of what he says is right. All things warmane does should be focused "weightedly" on those group. If they are doing something which doesn't provide addl service for paying customers, then it shouldn't be a part of the plan. One thing he forgot though is, catagory e players, ones who will never donate no matter what you do. The players who pay, need the players who don't around for fodder and to fill up queues and dungeons. But big strategy ideas should completely leave them out of the voting. In the real gaming world, swtor game for example, its free to play. But those who do not pay, choose to be annoyed by the game, they cannot run, they cannot get some top gear, they can only have like 1-3 characters, and the laundry list goes on. I'm not sure that we consider that "weight" here.

    Yeah yeah, free server, hippies be praised, free love, its a service to the poor....yadda yadda, blah blah. Lets get real, the devs do not work for free for the betterment of freeloaders, they get paid. The server and internet companies do not get a nice tax write-off because they would offer it to us for free. The more donations the more development they can do. Most of the players CAN afford to donate, but choose not to. For me, its a dollar vote. When they do something I like, I donate. When they spend all their time doing stuff for the freeloaders, all they will get is more freeloaders.

    Serp, in your hypothesis of why people play private server, some of those are right, people all have different reasons. I play private for the things that are BETTER THAN RETAIL. In many ways, the closer they get to retail (blizlike) the worse they are. (for example rates, 20x best, vote free items like 32 bags, the ability to send items to your characters on other faction etc). We seem to be graduating closer to retail by getting rid of the things that make us better than retail....and that will drive some players away to other private servers.

  11. Yes, The group e is included in groups c and d, basically potential donors. At the end of the day they may never ever pay, but they are still potential donors in the eyes of the business.

    Your second point that you make is a very good way of putting what i meant. People love private servers for the differences they have to retail, not the similarities. That being said, ofc content availability is an important factor when choosing a private server, but if someone has the money, why wont they play on retail if every thing (speed, content etc) is the same?

    Anyways, Warmane really really need to make sure they are taking the right step, because this is one of the biggest step they have ever taken ( Lorderon X 1, Point shop update). It is very clear that they are moving in the direction of becoming blizzlike. But is the question is if that is the right thing to do.

  12. We agree, its our difference from blizzard is why players are here. The most distinct difference is the non-subscription fee. It will happen, perhaps not in the too distant future that blizzard retail will finally be forced to go free-to-play - and when that day happens many private servers will lose the majority of their players. Some people will not want to leave privates because of their accomplishments, but that just puts them 1 or 2 aggravations away from leaving. The servers with the biggest losses will be those that are very close to the retail experience (blizzlike). Some will keep characters mildly active on older expansions if that was their fav, but they'll still open a new char on retail and try the new stuff, and will ultimately spend most of their time there. This should scare private servers, because it will mean immediate death for most. The servers that survive, will be those that embraced this early, and prepared by making themselves distinct from retail in ways that blizzard cannot match. But how much can they not match?

    Blizzard has either discussed or already released ways to do things like:
    - Do old dungeons/raids with chars scaled down so it is as challenging as it was during that expansion.
    - Lower levels are faster to pass (like a rate increase up to a certain level)
    - Cross faction battles
    - When it is free to play, many rates will be increased because no longer need to keep subscriptions going.
    The list goes on.

    So, ask yourself. What advantage does a private have left? Not much. As I see it, when retail goes free, they may be one feature away from 100% kill of all private servers: Some sort of a way to let private server players transfer their accomplishments from private to blizzard. Ok, that'll never happen, but they have from time to time offered free level ups to players that buy expansions, something like that will probably do enough of the trick. I hope Warmane has considered these concepts.

    When people start to leave to join a free to play blizzard retail, the first ones to leave will be the freeloaders. The ones who donated are the most loyal now, and will be the most loyal when the server really needs it, even if that will not be enough.

  13. after reading the posts, it's all quite simple to summarize.

    most people aren't going to like the new marketplace as it currently is. prices ARE improperly [or irrationally] calculated. as some other ppl said, lucky for me i have all the mog gear i need, because no way i'm wasting time logging in here each day, authenticating often, just to mog a character in like half a year or whatever. i personally haven't even looked at the marketplace, but i won't, the complaints here tell me enough already.

    any item that is obtainable in game, should have a higher price. but gear that is not obtainable cuz the quest/dungeon/raid/mob isn't working properly, should have a lower price because we can not farm them. as a retail player, i know that some mog sets will take months to complete, and that's via farming, and excluding any gold you may have had to obtain. but acquiring a full mog set via voting, should not take longer then retail farming!!!! if you understand anything in this thread, that last sentence should be it. it's not even an argument, it's truth.

    edit: poster above me, donors will go to retail if it's f2p too lol. it's not so much about donors vs. non donors. i have every class donated on every expac, and a few on opposing factions, but if retail became free, i'd play it more. i currently have a subscription, but most of my online gaming friends play here, not there :P
    Edited: October 11, 2015

  14. Not punish. You guys may go farm it like one would do in retail. You say there is little to do. For now. Wait til Lordaeron's fixes be copied in the current realms. You will have tons to do. As for the "Solution", that's what makes a MMO running. If it was quick to finish, people would change games.
    I need head and shoulders from BWL and boots from an rare npc that doesn't seem to spawn.

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