1. I'd like to roleplay myself but Alliance seem to have more levelling and pvp spirit than this stuff. (Already in a guild too)

    However, if you like, Estus will be journeying in Northrend for awhile. Just follow the trail of Scourge bodies and haunting childish maniacal giggles. She mostly leaves the hordes alone though.

    (got Total RP2 1008 btw)

  2. Actually, are there any chat channels made for the roleplay community?

  3. Do /join RP-OOC

    It's a channel I created in hopes of finding roleplayers easily.

  4. It might as well need some more recognition on these forums. Was there a topic made that mentions these channels for both sides?

  5. Unfortunately that seems to be Horde channel atm. When I joined, I suddenly got Moderator Privilege

    All in all, though, since it's now made on the Alliance side, any Alliance RP'er, just say hello, maybe I'll respond


  6. I'll be online a while now on alliance side. Join RP-OOC channel and let's pull something together!
    Kargos is the name.

  7. I'll be there when I got time as either Estus or Espie. Be sure to add me in the directory if you have Total RP2 :D

  8. So i see there is some progress on RP already? I'm new to warmane too and i was also looking for some RP around.

    But i see i can join the channel and start around?

  9. It's a start, and I see some people finally responding to rp-ooc channel in Alliance, but no one's organizing any form of RP yet. After all, we're all spread wide and might prioritize levelling sometimes

    I'm always down though, probably gonna hit Eastern Kingdom a few times, maybe when I decide that my Deathcharger needs some rest after tripping off the cliff and balconies around Howling Fjord several times

  10. Well if no one is organisating I could give it a start, But then i need to know few things.

    1. Good , Evil, Chaotic good/evil
    2. Decide if i gona play warlock or priest

    ( and a handy tip, Seems lordaeron is always full, I would suggest the server , Deathwing or Ragnaros) so ppl dont need to log 4 hours be for the event in to make it on time

  11. ( and a handy tip, Seems lordaeron is always full, I would suggest the server , Deathwing or Ragnaros) so ppl dont need to log 4 hours be for the event in to make it on time
    Well, it seems to be mainly the problem of Lordaeron being quite recently added, so plenty of people try to leave their mark on the world. But I digress - you are free to roleplay anywhere, but it's best to think which server can be called the unofficial roleplay server. Having roleplayers spread across all realms doesn't work when there is not a single one with stable community, after all.

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