1. PVP Ranks.

    Greetings guys. I tried to look through the forum for similiar topics, but couldn't find anything, so my question is - if PVP ranks available here (for honor kills)? I think it would be great. Thx for your answer.

  2. Considering the PvP ranking system was removed with the release of 2.0 and we're playing on a 3.3.5 based realm with a temporary level cap then; no.

  3. It gave a really nice sense of progression (though I'd up the requirements a bit) and it's not like you can get those titles in any other way. It'd be really nice.

  4. It gave a really nice sense of progression (though I'd up the requirements a bit) and it's not like you can get those titles in any other way. It'd be really nice.

  5. I agree we need the ranks! it looks good and you feel you gain something

  6. Kaer , give us titles just like before :P

  7. 100% agreed, the titles should come back!
    Edited: October 13, 2015

  8. well in deathwing ranks are given, i believe this is nothing gamebreaking for the blizzlike experience of the server no? A rank does not ruin the server!! :D +1

  9. bump !
    can we have any answer regarding those ranks ?

  10. This system would make PvP'ing much more rewarding and fun. You'd actually have something to work towards

  11. It gave a really nice sense of progression (though I'd up the requirements a bit) and it's not like you can get those titles in any other way. It'd be really nice.
    Yes. I agree 100%.

    When you disable them, there is effectively no way to gain them ingame. The system that Ragnaros/Deathwing implements is awesome because it gives you a way to gain the PVP ranks.

    I see absolutely no reason to disable PVP ranks.

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