1. Wotlk - Completed Raids?


    so the main question here is to find out which raids are almost 100% scripted or atleast doable starting from the lowest to the highest
    lvl 70 raids
    karazhan - 10n
    Mag's lair - 25n
    SSC - serpentshrine caverns - 25n
    The eye - 25n
    Hyjal 25n
    Black Temple 25n
    sunwell plateau? 25n
    lvl 80 raids
    naxx10/ naxx25 + achievements?
    os10n/25n drakes?
    EoE 10/25 ? - working? maybe?
    ulduar 10n/25n? + hardmodes?
    Onyxia 10/25n?
    ToC 10n/25n /10hc/25hc completing with all 50 lives gives achieve + loot chest?
    icc10n/25n/10hc/25hc - probably 100% scripted/ blizz-like?

    the goal of this thread is to give others the general idea of what raids that they can do i understand icc is basically done but maybe achievements that not doable.. i suppose, not enough time to finish the thread will add lvl 60 raids when possible.
    Edited: October 12, 2015 Reason: Wotlk

  2. would be nice to also mention which expansion you're talking about

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