Hi, I am 22 years old, I am french and live in the Netherlands doing a master of science (mathematics).

I played priest and deathknight during WOTLK, both in PvE and PvP.

I have completed all PvE raids back in wotlk (from Nax to Ulduar I was in a PvE guild, then I did the rest with pick-ups)

I was also an avid PvP player on both character where I achieved gladiator range (2500) but disbanded the team:


I want to play deathknight again on Lordaeron, I know the class very well and had a lot of experience in pve with the class and melee raid reaction that came with it.

I was also pvp'ing with my DK to decent mmr but I had very little time to play with it (Dk is not rocket science tho to be honest hehh)

I know pretty much all ot the wotlk raids by heart now, know all my classes caps etc..

I am currently leveling a shaman, waiting for wotlk to come out and create my Dk, you can /w Thdr
or message me on the forum.

I am currently writing my master thesis so I arrange my schedule as I want :)