1. Question abotu multibox

    Hello i tryed use multibox , whit programs ,ISBOXER , JAMBA , and i have one problem if i speak whit main char whit npc my other chars don't do that function , any can help me how to fix it , i want do to if i speak whit main char , my other chars speak to and do same think like i do

  2. I liked ISboxer, however i found it to be a sluggish and resource hog, other boxers may disagree.

    i posted this as a reply another thread, but offer here as well. I like pwnboxer, its a bit more time consuming to set up, as it doesnt have built in macros or scripting, you do it all yourself, but i enjoy it more. Just my opinion.

    In any case here it is.....

    This is the version I used, i checked the torrent link and it worked for me,


    Happy Boxing!

    Edit: you need to search for it in there, but just in case you have trouble....

    magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B3E7DEF0D38F63288A79C0F222A005 E7531B0E48&dn=PWNBOXER%20{cracked}%200101080802&tr =udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80/announce&tr=http://www.torrentsnipe.info:2701/announce

    Copy and paste!

  3. to make all charcters talk to an NPC (no matter if its ISboxer or Pwnboxer) you need to use "Interact With Target" and enable "Click To Move".

  4. Click-to-move is irrelevant as it only moves your characters to the targetted NPC if it's out-of-range.

    You'd have to set the interact with target keybind in-game, define that key in isboxer either under a custom key map (remember to do /assist before that) or under Variable Keystrokes and use the Interact With Target keymap that comes with ISBoxer. You could always enable broadcast all and do it too.

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