1. neck is a smaller stat piece than boots so the higher ilvl RS boots with lower ilvl neck is slightly better

  2. Through neck u can get little more haste, through boots a little more crit. To decide what is better, u need to figure out what is your hit cap with current prosfessions, in bis u usually pass crit cap and forced to gem extra hit to reach your crit cap. According to my last 2 month of enhsim with enhashama more u push hit - higher calculated dps u will have, but this pushed hit should be synched with your AA crit cap for dual wielding, cause just gearing 21% hard cap is not worth it without crit.
    I modelled on my enha build (with LW profession, yeah i know - not the best option):
    1) Sindi neck + rs boots - worst case cause i don't have enough gems to merge hit with crit cap (15.58% melee hit with all possible hit gems). So basically it is possible only with orc + JC, BS. Enhsim - 14944 dps.
    2) Sindi neck + bpc boots (16.35% melee hit, when hit reached crit cap). Enhsim - 14961 dps.
    3) Hit neck + rs boots (16.56% melee hit, when hit reached crit cap). Enhsim - 14988 dps.
    4) Both hit items + haste gems(16.10% melee hit, when hit reached crit cap). Enhsim -14909 dps.
    So basically, with my LW: hit neck + rs boots - best option; but when i modelled it for bis orc with JC and BS it was sindi neck + hit boots, that beated all other options.

  3. You seem to get quite different DPS numbers on EnhSim.
    Enhsim config:

    Spoiler: Show
    ### Saved by v1.9.8.10 of EnhSimGUI

    simulation_time 5000
    simulation_time_combatlog 300
    combat_length 7.00
    report_count 80
    threads 1
    combat_length_rng_factor 0.35
    min_lag 230
    max_lag 260
    simulate_mana 1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown 1

    ep_precision 2
    ep_base_stat ap
    ep_ap 80
    ep_crit_rating 40
    ep_hit_rating 40
    ep_expertise 4
    ep_haste_rating 40
    ep_armor_penetration_rating 40
    ep_spellpower 46
    ep_dps 7.5
    ep_mana 600
    ep_spirit 40
    ep_mp5 40

    mh_auto_attack 1
    oh_auto_attack 1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd 0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd 0
    use_bloodlust 1
    always_bloodlust_wolves 0
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets 0
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left 15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left 4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active 1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left 0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left 2
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left 2
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left 1250
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left 3000
    necrotic_touch 0
    necrotic_touch_heroic 0

    rotation_priority_count 14
    rotation_priority1 MW5_LB
    rotation_priority2 FS
    rotation_priority3 SS_0
    rotation_priority4 LS_0
    rotation_priority5 FE
    rotation_priority6 MT_0
    rotation_priority7 SW
    rotation_priority8 SR
    rotation_priority9 ES
    rotation_priority10 SS
    rotation_priority11 LL
    rotation_priority12 FN
    rotation_priority13 MT
    rotation_priority14 LS

    aoe_rotation_priority_count 12
    aoe_rotation_priority1 SW
    aoe_rotation_priority2 SR
    aoe_rotation_priority3 SS_0
    aoe_rotation_priority4 MW5_LB
    aoe_rotation_priority5 LS
    aoe_rotation_priority6 FE
    aoe_rotation_priority7 MT
    aoe_rotation_priority8 FS
    aoe_rotation_priority9 ES
    aoe_rotation_priority10 SS
    aoe_rotation_priority11 FN
    aoe_rotation_priority12 LL

    fight_name standard_single_target
    miss 8.00
    dodge 6.50
    glancing 24.00
    armor 10643
    spell_miss 17.00
    nature_resistance 0
    fire_resistance 0
    frost_resistance 0
    arcane_resistance 0
    shadow_resistance 0

    additional_targets 0
    additional_target_percent 0.00
    additional_target_level 80

    armor_debuff_major 20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor 5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff 4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff 20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff 5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat 687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier 99.7/99.7
    spell_haste_buff 5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff 5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff 5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff 13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff 280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff 3.0/3.0
    haste_buff 3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase 3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff 3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier 10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff 51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff 178/178
    intellect_buff 60/60

    replenishment 1
    water_shield 0
    mana_spring_totem 0
    blessing_of_wisdom 1
    judgement_of_wisdom 1
    mixology 0

    flask_elixir flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir -
    potion potion_of_speed
    food fish_feast

    ################################################## #############################
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon ###
    ################################################## #############################

    race orc
    mh_speed 2.6
    oh_speed 2.6
    mh_dps 264.6
    oh_dps 264.6
    mh_crit 53.69
    oh_crit 53.69
    mh_hit 15.77
    oh_hit 15.77
    mh_expertise_rating 100
    oh_expertise_rating 100
    ap 5286
    melee_haste 38.42
    armor_penetration 22.51
    str 143
    agi 1879
    int 764
    spi 165
    spellpower 1586
    spell_crit 35.01
    spell_hit 19.71
    spell_haste 29.55
    max_mana 15576
    mp5 0

    mh_imbue windfury
    oh_imbue flametongue

    mh_enchant berserking
    oh_enchant berserking

    mh_weapon axe
    oh_weapon axe

    trinket1 sharpened_twilight_scale_heroic
    trinket2 herkuml_war_token

    totem bizuris_totem_of_shattered_ice

    set_bonus1 t10_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2 -
    set_bonus3 -

    metagem relentless_earthsiege_diamond

    gloves_enchant -
    cloak_enchant -
    ring_proc ashen_verdict

    glyph_major1 feral_spirit
    glyph_major2 stormstrike
    glyph_major3 windfury_weapon

    glyph_minor1 -
    glyph_minor2 -
    glyph_minor3 -

    ancestral_knowledge 3/5
    improved_shields 3/3
    mental_dexterity 3/3
    shamanistic_focus 0/1
    flurry 5/5
    elemental_weapons 3/3
    unleashed_rage 3/3
    weapon_mastery 3/3
    dual_wield_specialization 3/3
    mental_quickness 3/3
    improved_stormstrike 0/2
    static_shock 3/3
    maelstrom_weapon 5/5

    convection 0/5
    concussion 5/5
    call_of_flame 3/3
    elemental_devastation 3/3
    reverberation 2/5
    elemental_focus 0/1
    elemental_fury 5/5
    improved_fire_nova 2/2
    call_of_thunder 0/1
    unrelenting_storm 0/3
    elemental_precision 0/3
    lightning_mastery 0/5
    elemental_oath 0/2
    lightning_overload 0/5
    lava_flows 0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire 0/3
    shamanism 0/5
    Use this config and don't change the simulation variables.
    when i modelled it for bis orc with JC and BS it was sindi neck + hit boots, that beated all other options.
    It doesn't.
    Hit neck + rs boots is also BiS for orc with JC and BS.
    It deals 30 more dps than the sindi neck + hit boots combination.

    The gear setup at the front page yields the highest DPS on EnhSim. Trust me, I tried any possible gear combination in and out and they are all behind that.

  4. I don't trust "trust me"words. I also simmed everything, including main thread build. U can ez check it: replace 2 hit gems from "orc bis" to 2 haste gem, and u will have higher numbers already.
    And nope, i will not use your config. Currently for my own purposes i am using 2 min fights for enhsim without magma totem (so it calulates fire elem only), and also disabling mana modelling. And i think it is more accurate.

  5. U can ez check it: replace 2 hit gems from "orc bis" to 2 haste gem, and u will have higher numbers already.
    Nope. That's a DPS drop of 30 points.

    And nope, i will not use your config.
    It is absolute pointless to compare your gear setups to the one of the head page when you don't even set the same combat parameters on EnhSim.
    Currently for my own purposes i am using 2 min fights for enhsim without magma totem (so it calulates fire elem only), and also disabling mana modelling. And i think it is more accurate.
    It's not more accurate. A boss encounter is way longer than 2 min. You don't have 100% uptime with the fire ele on a real fight.

  6. Here https://imgur.com/mjWBDGM (upper one exactly bis from main post, down one moved 3x hit gems to 2x haste and 1x 10hit+20AP), rotation copied from your enhsim config file. I got 25 extra dps from this moove.
    I didn't compare dps with screenshot, i built forum comp modelled it with my settings and than was switching gems/items and simulated again with same rotation.
    I am using it, cause mb it will not meet exact number of dps, but fire elem will not be wasted. Cause with your options magma totem overplaced fire elem after 5-7 sec of fight. That's why i am using 2 min fight with fire elem and without magma totem. For my purpose to figure out what is better option - it is completely fine, even if it will not meat ingame number.

  7. Here https://imgur.com/mjWBDGM (upper one exactly bis from main post, down one moved 3x hit gems to 2x haste and 1x 10hit+20AP), rotation copied from your enhsim config file. I got 25 extra dps from this moove.
    You have 600 less DPS so there must be a flaw somewhere in your settings. It seems like you are running oom. Did you check "use SR as soon as it's available" at the combat parameter?
    I am using it, cause mb it will not meet exact number of dps, but fire elem will not be wasted. Cause with your options magma totem overplaced fire elem after 5-7 sec of fight. That's why i am using 2 min fight with fire elem and without magma totem.
    That shouldn't be the case. For me the fire ele has a uptime of 28.57% which equals to 2 mins in a 7 min long fight.
    Edited: January 9, 2020

  8. Found why was there difference. Bugged CoW in rawr, when i used it and exported settings to enhsim there still was 0/5 minor armor debuff, after switching to sting/ff it worked well.
    And yeah seems i was wrong with gear, i can't reach more with any of other neck/boots/ring comp.
    But i still have some fun left, cause for my LW proffesion bis will be different any case.

  9. But i still have some fun left, cause for my LW proffesion bis will be different any case.
    Well, the general BiS gear setup uses LW as profession so you can just use the gear from the OP...
    *Enchanting and Leatherworking were selected at random from the pool of professions that provide the generic +80 AP. Equivalent profession enhancements will yeild similar results.

    Q: <insert other BiS list> is supposed to be better and has <insert item/gem/etc> different.
    A: This list is made as a Tauren with generic professions. Not everyone is an Orc/Troll/Draenei with Engineering/Jewelcrafting/Blacksmithing. If you are a different race or profession than the BiS list uses your items and gemming might be slightly different. The intent of this thread is to provide baseline BiS values.
    Edited: January 14, 2020

  10. What do u think about fire elem rolling?
    Currently i have problem like: 4t10 proc for first 10 seconds - good burst good dps, didn't proced - 1-2k dps loose. Any ideas how to solve this random?
    If i delay fire elem, and use magma totem before t10 proc - loosing trinqet procs.
    And what exact buffs are rolled on it? Ap buffs and shamanic rage? did smb tried tot? if shamanic rage can be rolled, why bq bite is not affects fire elem ( i mean get bite - summ elem - no dps increase)? Anybody found connection?
    And if BL should work on elem? Currently it doesn't affect him, how it should be proper way?

  11. The Fire Elemental benefits from Spellpower, Hit rating/Expertise (his melee attacks are subject to parries, dodges, blocks etc.), Attack Power and Intellect at time of casting only – changes in our stats after cast do not affect him. Because he is not considered a party member, he gets none of shaman's buffs himself, but does benefit from debuffs on a target (specifically: magical damage taken, spell crit chance and general crit chance). This is why Fire Elemental doesn't benefit by BL/Hero, BQL's bite and Shamanistic rage (2pT10) for example.

    Full source you can check here: https://wowhats.wordpress.com/2010/0...re-dps-totems/
    Edited: February 29, 2020

  12. So there is no use to delay it for procs, only thing i can roll is sp buff through mental quickness from AP buffs. Just tested with my default 6k ap it dealed 145k dmg to training dummy, wirh buffs (8.2k AP) - 190k.
    Atm buffs are: wep enchant 400 AP x2, ring 480 AP, trinq 1472AP, set bonus ~1240AP, racial 359AP.
    If i use it from start: x2 bers+ ring same 1200 as set bonus buff.
    Dunno, i don't like that i should pray for t10 proc from start to get good numbers. But seems i can't solve it myself.

  13. Hi everyone,
    I'm currently trying to play with enhsim but before I do just want to know if anyone else tried simulating weapons.
    I was wondering what might be better for orc shaman MH:

  14. Hi everyone,
    I'm currently trying to play with enhsim but before I do just want to know if anyone else tried simulating weapons.
    I was wondering what might be better for orc shaman MH:
    In both situations do NOT use Black Bruise. Pure stats will always be over the proc of this weapon. Black Bruise is NOT bugged just the proc is low and worthless.

  15. Black Bruise heroic is quite good with good gear, lots of haste, and some arp. Black Bruise heroic is 2nd best weapon next to Havoc's Heroic

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