1. LF 1 (or 2) Addons

    Hi im looking for a working Addon for Frostwolf that Announce Interrupts. ( best would be if i could choose /say or /party ) All Addons i test so far dont work.

    Also im looking for an Addon that Announce Stuns/Fear. ( also in the Chat )

    Hope someone can help.

  2. what Addons have you tried that do not work?
    google bring me to this Addons: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/announce-interrupts
    "This is addon announces in chat when you interrupt a spell. It is lightweight and fully configurable."
    be sure to go to "other downloads" to get version for MoP

  3. Yes this Addon dont work.
    But to make it clear i search a Addon that announces when someone interrupt ME and not just when i interrupt someone.

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