1. Arena Season 3 will end on December 20th, 2015 on all realms.
    gg soon tm.
    Arena Season 4 Hype!!

  2. How hard is it to farm 20-25k gold on retail for gametime token?

  3. How hard is it to farm 20-25k gold on retail for gametime token?
    I tried that but instead of getting Patch 5.4.8 it says Im in some game Named Warlords of Dreanor, No clue what it is but it looks like a failed mix between Wotlk and Cataclysm :P

  4. Seems we won't be getting any updates on this.

  5. Buying the games is cheaper (20 euros buys you the game up-to-date), the subscription fee, afaik, is the same.

  6. And that's it. I don't think they actually care about the servers and population that is holding (with money, WITH MONEY) all of this. They don't put fixes from Lordaeron to other Wolk realms, they laught about Cata, and of course, with 5 bgs oppen on Pandaria, they don't don't give a single **** about Frostwolf, a death server right now. But yeah, maybe not now, but in 6 months, if they don't act in servers, appart from Lord, population (= money) will fall, and all other things too. And it's sad becouse I don't want that :/

  7. I don't even wanna look too deep into Cata servers...every time I log in here, I see Neltharion barely holding up, whilst Warsong is already dead. That server barely reaches 600 players. That's too damn sad. This is a crucial time to fix up Frostwolf, or we'll be just like those poor Cata servers. If they don't do something about our server, MoP is gonna RiP.
    *cries in Orcish*

  8. IDK if you've noticed this

  9. How about we lend them our support in their endeavor of releasing a progressive realm at near 100% scripting while multimanaging all the other realms/expansions to their best capacity.

  10. How about we lend them our support in their endeavor of releasing a progressive realm at near 100% scripting while multimanaging all the other realms/expansions to their best capacity.
    hmmmm.... wrath fan boy much?

  11. Is it really so hard just to get info on how the development is going?

  12. I was suckered in here by a friend to play MoP.
    The current state of affairs and reading this thread is making me reconsider my plans to get premium status and to outright just move back to my old server.

  13. I was suckered in here by a friend to play MoP.
    The current state of affairs and reading this thread is making me reconsider my plans to get premium status and to outright just move back to my old server.
    Hehe i prob would take that old server anyday depening what expac it is :P

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