1. Flying in northrend

    Hi This is my first time playing Wow, and i have a problem. is the cold weather flying available in this server? i cant find it in any riding trainer

  2. which realm?
    However, yes, it should be

  3. you need to be lvl 77 to get cold weather flying.

  4. i am currently level 78 with 67.% exp in storm peaks.
    Can someone direct me where can i buy that skill? I want it badly :/

  5. There are two or perhaps 3. The confirm 2 is river heart of sholazar basin and krasus landing of dalaran. The unconfirmed one is k3 of stormpeaks

  6. What is that? a quest? or a place. I research a bit and found that it can be bought in riding trainers

  7. It's the place where you can buy the skill cold weather flying. not every flying trainer can teach you that skill

  8. There are two or perhaps 3. The confirm 2 is river heart of sholazar basin and krasus landing of dalaran. The unconfirmed one is k3 of stormpeaks
    Thanks mate.

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