1. Server First Titles !

    Hello i was wonder if Warmane gona leave title for server first like

    Arch Druid <Name> - First Druid to Level 80
    Archmage <Name> - First Mage to Level 80
    Assassin <Name> - First Rogue to Level 80
    Crusader <Name> - First Paladin to Level 80
    Prophet <Name> - First Priest to Level 80
    Stalker <Name> - First Hunter to Level 80
    Warbringer <Name> - First Warrior to Level 80
    <Name> The Malefic - First Warlock to Level 80
    <Name> Of the Ebon Blade - First Death Knight to Level 80
    <Name> Of the Ten Storms - First Shaman to Level 80

    And race
    <Name> Hero of Orgrimmar - First Orc to Level 80.
    <Name> Plainsrunner - First Tauren to Level 80.
    <Name> Of the Darkspear - First Troll to Level 80.
    <Name> The Forsaken - First Forsaken to Level 80.
    <Name> Of Quel'thalas - First Blood Elf to Level 80.

    Thanks a lot :)

  2. Those titles were removed before retail wotlk launch, so most of them dont even exists. Do some research. They wont exist here either.

  3. You can get Crusader in WotLK so you got that going for you, which is nice.

  4. http://www.wowhead.com/title=156/crusader

    I have it on Deathwing as well, so I think it'll be obtainable in Lordaeron.

  5. All those titles were obtainable at WotLK release and should be aswell on this server. It's a cool title to show what you've accomplished, and it doesn't hurt anyone that they are here. Those titles should be here for sure, no questions :-)

  6. We consider implementing it as there wouldn't be any real downside, only healthy competition that it gives to the community.

  7. Well it would tempt people to exploit stuff in order to get them, we already know there's people that reached 450 on professions, AH has had Frostweave Cloth and WotLK enchanting mats for ages now and I know people stockpiling for that in case you released titles. I think class/race realm first 80 titles would be nice. Professions not so much since there's no controlling people.

  8. We consider implementing it as there wouldn't be any real downside, only healthy competition that it gives to the community.
    I love your playlists Hisuuee Hisssuuueee

  9. Those titles were removed before retail wotlk launch, so most of them dont even exists. Do some research. They wont exist here either.
    titles wasn't removed prior to the wotlk launch, it was removed somewhere between 3.0.5 and 3.1.0, why was it removed? Because it had allready been earned on every single server and shouldn't be obtainable on freshly opened servers, to avoid people to server jump just to obtain titles.

  10. Wish I had time to do the Champion of Elune, then again my char is level 28 -.-

  11. titles wasn't removed prior to the wotlk launch, it was removed somewhere between 3.0.5 and 3.1.0, why was it removed? Because it had allready been earned on every single server and shouldn't be obtainable on freshly opened servers, to avoid people to server jump just to obtain titles.
    Wrong, titles were just on WotLK Beta didn't make it to live


  12. Thanks for responses :)
    i think it's good idea to put them into the game , gl to everyone if it's gona go live !

  13. Thanks for posting the links, its always faster to claim to know something and be proven wrong than to ask the actual question ;)

    Edit: Maybe I shouldn't have typed this, now people may just assume that I'm a ignorant person who think's he's never wrong.
    Edited: December 5, 2015

  14. Well it would tempt people to exploit stuff in order to get them, we already know there's people that reached 450 on professions, AH has had Frostweave Cloth and WotLK enchanting mats for ages now and I know people stockpiling for that in case you released titles. I think class/race realm first 80 titles would be nice. Professions not so much since there's no controlling people.
    The players in question had the achievements removed and profession level was brought back down. Also, there was no exploiting in this case, just an oversight with a few trainers and methods of leveling which was appropriately fixed.

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