1. [A] Looking for USA East Late Night Raiding

    I've been searching this section for awhile now looking for an Alliance semi-hardcore PvE guild that plans to start raids around 23:00-24:00 server time (6:00-7:00pm EST).

    Most guilds here seem to want to start around 18:00 which is 1:00pm where I live. This is impossible for me as I work during the day.

    Anyone out there that wants to raid at this time? Or perhaps someone who could point me to a recruitment thread of a guild that does?

    Edit: In case anyone else is interested, so far I've found 2 matching my description/time slot:
    Maximum Disrespect (Maple Syrup)
    Edited: December 15, 2015

  2. Hey man,

    Maximum Disrespect merged with <Profit>. Our raid times should fit yours perfectly

    Send someone a whisp in game for an invite.

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