1. MoP Macro Add-on Please

    Can someone please share working MoP Macro Add-on. Thanks. I google and download what I see, but everything seems to be not working. :(
    Edited: December 19, 2015

  2. Can someone please share working MoP Macro. Thanks.
    /cast Bladestorm

  3. /castsequence reset=120 Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance

  4. If you really ask for it :D
    i still havent read it, just pasted.. but is quite useful, along with the simple GetPlayerMapPosition :)

    /run local p,f,x,y="player",MyL or CreateFrame("Frame","MyL",PlayerFrame) f.t=0 f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) f.t=f.t+e if f.t>.25 then f.t=0 x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) PlayerName:SetText(format("%s (%d,%d)",UnitName(p),x*100,y*100)) end end)

    If you just want it to show position on activation, it is way simpler ;)

  5. ohh I think you got it all wrong. I mean addon. Sorry about that.

  6. ohh I think you got it all wrong. I mean addon. Sorry about that.
    A macro addon? Those things exist? ?_?
    What should I imagine? A addon that gives you the best macro's for ur class..?

  7. you have just edited your first post into "MoP Macro AddOns".... Whatever, almost all sites with WoW Addons offer also older version, so for Woltk/Cata/MoP; there should be no problem finding what you are looking for.
    Anyway since you asked : http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....-for-MoP-5-4-2
    That thread is what you wanted

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