1. Quests in Howling Fjord question


    I just did 24 quests in Howling Fjord and I can't find more working. I literally did this zone 20 times in Total on retail and on the old molten. However now I can't progress now. Some people tell me that they did ALL quests and they only found 2-3 bugged.


    The quests secrets of the wyrmskull is not working for me is there a trick? The quest with the harpoons in nifflevar is not working for me. The quest taken from the tuskarr with the buried vrykul is not working for me. The only quest available to me in the northern Alliance fort in with the yeti in the cave and the yeti is not valid target. Can you bypass those quests and reveal the quest chains after them?

    In the two Alliance forts there are no quests available. And that is it.

    I really want to do as much as possible in the Fjord before going to the BORING tundra.

  2. Use what god gave you in your 'head', otherwise what internet offered you as 'google'

    i have done 97 Quests in Fjord and skipped some because i moved to Dragonblight after that !

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